After Dark (The Vampire Next Door Book 2)

After Dark (The Vampire Next Door Book 2) by Rose Titus

Book: After Dark (The Vampire Next Door Book 2) by Rose Titus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Titus
cool dark autumn sky. He looked up to see the red stained altar above him; he had fallen asleep at its heavy stone base. As he longed for fresh blood his hand reached to feel the dried stains of blood that had forever flowed over its surface, that had run uselessly onto the temple floor. Most of it had fed his ancestors, to keep them near, keep them from moving on to where the hunting was better. And finally, after centuries of offerings, they did remain and make this land their home. The blood only flowed at certain times of the year, before a harvest, before a war. They were needed once, he knew, to protect the people from invaders from the east, to defend the land. Now they were few, and the land was constantly fought over and the people were trampled under the hooves of charging war horses.
    Yelena rested beside him. He sat up to look at her in the darkness. He delicately ran his fingers down the soft line of her white throat, and felt the gentle constant pulse of the vein he hungered to pierce.
    She stirred, and reached to take his hand.
    “You’re not mine, not yet.” He stroked her dark golden hair. “No. You don’t belong to me yet,” and he grasped her shoulders and swiftly pulled her up, pulled her close and held her tightly. His cool lips caressed her throat and she quivered in fearful anticipation. “No. I swore to your father.” He held her tightly and felt her heart race. She shivered in his grip. “You are so beautiful, I hunger for you. I hunger for you.” He tasted the sweet moist flesh of her throat. She closed her eyes and felt the sharpness of his teeth. “No. I swore to your father.” He loosened his grip. “He would give me anything, but I swore to him. But once we are wed you will be all mine.” She turned away from him. “You mustn’t be afraid, Yelena.”
    “I’m not. Not of you.”
    “Then of what?”
    “This. You are not like other men.”
    “Be happy that I am not, for they all would have ten women each if they could, so I am told.” He reached again to touch her silken hair, brushing it away from her neck. “I would never hurt you. I would kill a stag in the forest, drink my fill until I need but little, and then return home to join you and keep you warm, and you shall finally enjoy my gentle kisses.” He drew her close again and spoke softly. “How I hunger for you. You do wish to marry me, don’t you?”
    “I wish for my father to release you from your promise, only so that you can keep me warm now.”
    “The little ones are awake,” he cautioned.
    “They are afraid of you,” she whispered.
    “So is your father,” he lowered his voice. “So I believe.”
    “No. He loves you like a brother, only perhaps he fears the darkness within you.”
    “There is darkness in the hearts of all men, Yelena. It is not good when people always step back when you come near.” He kissed her cheek. “It is not good to see strong men fearful if they believe they have offended you, and to be always hunted, pursued like an animal.” He heard footsteps and grew silent.
    “Excuse me, Pavel.” It was Yuri. “Her Highness wishes to return to her father’s castle, as soon as possible. I insisted she not attempt to awaken you.”
    “Yes, of course,” he whispered. “We should get ready to leave this place.” He caressed Yelena’s golden hair and looked away from her; her head now rested softly on his chest. “I will escort her back. Your family can remain at my home. You can stay as long as you like.”
    Yuri considered it silently. “Thank you, I will tell my wife.” He slowly returned to the smaller chamber behind the altar.
    “Take me with you!” she demanded.
    “All alone on a journey with a beautiful woman? I won’t have it.”
    “You think I would want that sow? Come to your senses, girl.”
    “Let me come, then,” she whispered. “In case you cannot catch anything in the forest.”
    “Yelena, I can always catch something in the forest. I am the

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