Affliction (Finding Solace)

Affliction (Finding Solace) by Barbara Speak

Book: Affliction (Finding Solace) by Barbara Speak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Speak
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© 2014
Barbara Speak
by The Final Wrap
book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a
product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance
to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
    Wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait just a minute! I’m
sorry for my manners, I forgot to say please. But seriously, how was I painted
the bad guy? I know I may be ranting a little here but I feel I was perceived
as a total asshole. Have none of you ever been scared before, because I was scared
shitless. I made one mistake that made me question everything. How many of us
get a second chance? Well I did. I got to re-live my youth. I got to do all the
things that I missed out on the first time around. What I didn't expect, was to
find what I thought was my forever girl, at the beginning of my next chance.
None of you have ever met the right person at the wrong time? Well that is
exactly what happened to me and I regret so much more now, than I ever did
before Sadie walked into my life. I don't mean to come off as a dick I swear, I
would just love for you to stick around and listen. I'm not going to go into
everything that happened, only the parts worth mentioning. Besides, you have
already read how she saw things. Remember, I’m a guy, so we don’t do details
like you chicks do. So here we go regardless, my name is Colt and this is my
side of the story.
    Chapter 1
    When I saw Sadie for the first time, my heart about
dropped out of my chest. She was just so beautiful to look at. My eyes were
glued to her from the second she came into view. We had all been hanging out at
the bowling alley when I noticed her for the first time. She was naturally
beautiful. The way she smiled and was having fun without a care in the world
caused me to ask my friend Mike who she was. I didn’t expect it when he called
her over to us. In fact I punched him and called him a dick. Her head popped up
when she heard her name, God she was so striking to look at. The way her hips
swayed back and forth as she so confidently approached us, I had to force back
the laugh that wanted to escape me when she tumbled over her own two feet and
fell toward the ground. The look on her face, as she attempted to stand up and
play it off as if it didn’t happen, only made me want to get to know her that
much more. At that time, the only thing I knew was that I wanted her, badly.
But as the night progressed, I was sure I was going to want more than just one
night, if I was lucky. All of my employees and friends began to file out,
leaving only the three of us. Mike eventually got bored and left, knocking the
number down to just her and me. We talked and laughed, danced and drank some
more. Her smile was insanely contagious. When it was closing time, I offered to
call a cab for her which was a first for me. Normally I would have been doing
anything and saying everything just to get in her pants, but there was just
something about her that was different. I wanted it to be her call. You can
only imagine my happiness when she refused my offer and grabbed on to me with
fuck me eyes begging. A man can only hold back for so long.
    "Take me home with you" came out in almost a
pant. I couldn't have said no if I tried, but to be honest, I didn't try at
all. She was sexy as hell and I wanted more of her.
    I threw the offer out there one last time to give her an
out but when she insisted she wanted to come home with me, I practically looked
up and thanked God himself. Something was different about her. It almost made
me sad. She carried herself like she ran the world but I could see through it
somehow. I didn't want to be the kind of guy that would use her, which again
was a first for me.
    The cab showed up but I went ahead and told the driver
that it was no longer needed. That was of course after she threw a fit about
leaving her

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