Seriously! What a mess! Why won’t it stop?
Madoc: Alright, I’ll call a plumber. Fallon, get some towels.
Fallon: *runs to hall closet
Madoc: *gets on phone
Jax: Ugh, it’s about to spill down the stairs. Fallon, hurry!
Juliet: *arches eyebrow and watches boys
Juliet: Are you guys for real? *reaches down, turns valve, shutting water off
Madoc: :O
Jax: :O
Fallon: Hey, it stopped!
Madoc: How’d you know how to do that?
Juliet: Girl Scouts. We took a field trip to Home Depot, and the guy showed us how to handle emergencies like this.
Madoc: Girl Scouts?
Juliet: Yeah, so bite me. *and walks out
Jax and Fallon: *laughing
Jared: Pasha, get in here!
Pasha: What?
Jared: I’m going out of town for a while. I leave tomorrow. Take a look at the calendar and see if anything is on the schedule for the next few weeks.
Pasha: No, other than a charity race in Fontana, you’re clear.
Jared: Good. Cancel that, and then get my plane ticket out of my email and try to get yourself on the same plane.
Pasha: What?!
Jared: You’re coming with me. We still have work that needs to be done. You know I don’t know how to run those computer programs.
Pasha: Where are we going?!
Jared: Shelburne Falls
Pasha: Like hell! I am NOT spending a couple weeks in the bum-fuck midwest!
Jared: Relax, we have cute girls there, too.
Pasha: I’m not into girls.
Jared: *snort
Pasha: >:(
Jared: Now.
Pasha: >:(
Jared: Now!
Pasha: *walks out, turns back* Oh, yeah. You won some book boyfriend contest. Congrats. *grins, walks out*
Jared: >:(
But he is soooooo happy on the inside!! :D Thank you everyone for voting for our man and believing in him.
Madoc: You ranked in Erotica?!
Jax: *shrugs
Jared: You little shit...
Jax: Come on. It’s not a competition. Get over it.
Madoc: Easy for you to say. What the hell did you do that we didn’t?
Jax: You’re really asking me that?
Jared: No. We don’t need details. Shut up, Madoc.
Madoc: Yeah, I don’t need details either.
Jax: Good.
Jared: Good.
Madoc: Fine.
Jax: However...I’m sure she, Fallon, and Tate have all compared notes by now. Sucks to be you :D
Madoc: I want to talk to you.
Fallon: Ooooh, adding a little spice to our relationship. I’m there.
Madoc: Smart ass.
Fallon: :D
Madoc: So, tell me. What’s
Fallon: Uh...where...what?
Madoc: The kink site, babe. Why were you on it?
Fallon: ..........
Madoc: If you bought a strap on, so help me...
Fallon: NO! Oh, my God, no I didn’t buy anything! I...I just...
Madoc: *arches brow
Fallon: I just...well, the girls and I were going to the Fifty Shades premier and I hadn’t read the books, so I started to read them, and then I got confused, because I didn’t know what toys they were talking about and I couldn’t picture stuff in my head, so I went online to look at it, and...
Madoc: And?
Fallon: And nothing. I didn’t buy anything. We don’t need that stuff.
Madoc: Good. You always like being in control anyway, so I doubt you’d ever let me tie you down. *walks away
Fallon: *mumbles* The woman isn’t always the one tied down.
Madoc: What was that?
Fallon: Nothing.
Madoc: Give it up already. I’ve made up my mind.
Jason: Madoc, my law firm is your heritage. It’s your future. I’ve built everything for YOU!
Madoc: And thank you for that, but you didn’t build the firm, the clientele, or the connections for me to assume your place. You built all of that, because you didn’t have a choice. And you stuck with it, so I would have choices instead. You sacrificed for me. Now I’m going to do my own thing.
Jason: This is ridiculous. Think of your wife! Think of our name!
Madoc: Let’s get real. You’re not going to disown me. You love me. Everyone loves me, and Addie would kill you anyway. Your hard work has guaranteed my financial future. So thanks for that. But I’m switching to the other side. I want to do work that
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