L EGIONS OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE READ THIS BOOK SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS, ON account of the maniacal blacklisting in store for anyone with second thoughts about turning America into Mexico. But some in my crowd are either crazy enough, or love their country enough, to allow me to thank them publicly without even using aliases.
Ned Rice is, as ever, a joke-writing machine. I’d rush to finish chapters just to see what jokes he’d come up with—many for my own amusement, but a lot also made it into the book.
Same with Jim Hughes, who does not write professionally, but rather saves his best work for when he signs on to the computer late at night after a few cocktails. His lengthy late-night rants were so hilarious that I’ve made him publish some of them. (See, e.g., “Maybe the Obamacare Enrollment Figures Are on That Malaysian Airliner!,” Daily Caller, April 24, 2014.)
Trish Baker and Robert Caplain have been on this subject for years, sending me news items, in addition to religiously reading and editing every chapter. Melanie Graham, one of my Circle of Deciders, always e-mailedback immediately and gave me a line that still makes me laugh. Merrill Kinstler, one of my regular talking partners for about fifteen years, let a few of my books slip by without comment. Not this one.
Noticeably, Ned, Jim, Trish, Robert, Melanie, and Merrill are all Californians, so they have a close-up view of what our new country is going to be like. In fact, nearly all my friends who were willing to be named are Californians. It’s remarkable how quickly people in a state that has been overwhelmed with illegal aliens are able to grasp the fine points of my thesis. If it’s not a hit in 2015, this book will be HUGE as soon as the other forty-nine states become California (without the great weather and gorgeous beaches). I’m sorry to be the one to inform you of this, but that will make all of you the Kardashians.
Others who have helped with this book, mostly by reading chapters and voting on titles, but in other ways, as well, are: Bill Armistead, Jon Caldara, Rodney Conover, Mallory and Thomas Danaher, David Friedman, James Fulford, Ron Gordon, Kevin Harrington, David Limbaugh, Jay Mann, Jim Moody, Dan Travers, Jon Tukel, Marshall Sella, Peter Thiel, Kelly Victory, and Younis Zubchevich. Also, thanks to Regnery for publishing this book and to my editors, Elizabeth Kantor and Marji Ross, for helping me cut 150 pages when it was approaching the length of The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant. Challenge any sentence in this book, and I’ve got fifty more examples waiting in the outtakes.
Finally, everyone mentioned here agrees with every single word in this book. Don’t let them tell you otherwise.
Elena Ferrante
Lindsey Woods
Anne Rice
Robert Holdstock
Willard R. Trask Edward W. Said Erich Auerbach
Shannon Sorrels, Joel Horn, Kevin Lepp
Pandora Pine
Stephen King
Lorna Barrett
Sara Hooper