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Book: Activate by Crystal Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Perkins
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you done?” Abigail’s Creator yells as he stumbles onto the scene. “You idiots. You’ve played right into their hands. Your Muses will take over the world now.”
    “Don’t you think you’re being a little melodramatic? There are only two of them, so even if that was their plan, it would be a little hard to make it work,” Coalton tells him.
    The other Creator steps into view now as well. “They have a plan. We don’t know what it is, but we know there is one. Please, I beg of you, kill yourselves and save this planet that so graciously welcomed you. Without you their plan cannot be fulfilled.”
    “Welcomed us?” Jennifer bellows, making the birds in the nearby trees fly away. “You created us. We are here because of you, not because we crashed our spaceship on your planet. This isn’t Superman or Supergirl, or whatever other hero you want to look to for that kind of thing.”
    “Thor,” Coalton says.
    “I’ve always like Batman the best,” Levi says. “I guess I’m more human than alien, huh?”
    “Deadpool’s it for me,” Sabrina tells him.
    “Shouldn’t we love the X-Men the most since we’re mutants, too?” Hinton asks them with a smirk.
    “This is not a joke! You have put us in danger, and now you must work with us to control the threat,” his Creator yells at him.
    “You cannot control us,” I tell him as we make ourselves known. “You couldn’t hold us, and you can’t remove us. Don’t you realize that by now?”

The Truth is Relative
    “ Y ou cannot have our world ,” the Creator from America says to us.
    “We do not want your world, only a small piece of it,” my companion tells him. “We cannot allow our race to die out, but we mean you no harm.”
    “You were trying to eradicate the population of Australia when we found you all those years ago. You cannot have my continent!” the other one yells.
    “Whoa! Hold up,” Coalton says. “You were going to kill people just to have their space? There are lots of uninhabited islands and mountains you could choose from. Why would you go after someplace that’s populated?”
    “A power play,” America explains, and he’s not wrong. “To show us they could do it.”
    “We aren’t going to let them kill us all, but we won’t let you kill humans as part of your game, either,” Levi says, glancing between my companion, and myself.
    “You will have to choose a side,” I tell him.
    “I choose me, and my friends. We’re on our side, and no one else’s.”
    “One side will win, Son,” his Creator tells him. “He’s right about choosing a side.”
    “On this we agree,” I say.
    “I think you agree on many things—just on opposite sides. I don’t like either choice, so like Levi, I say we choose ourselves,” Hinton says.
    I go into his mind then, urging him to side with us.
    “No. I will not destroy people for you.”
    You cannot let your humanity be more dominant. It will hurt you in the long run.
    “I’ll take my chances.”
    Foolish boy.
    “I’d rather be foolish any day of the week than be a sheep who follows blindly behind a false prophet.”
    I look to my companion, and he tells me that Levi is not going to budge, either. I did not want to have to fight them, because they are indeed strong, but it has come to that. We have one more ace up our sleeve, so to speak, and now it’s time to use it.
    We walk quickly over to Sabrina, each placing a hand on her shoulder before anyone can stop us. Her eyes close, and she staggers back, as Levi rushes to her side.
    “What did you do to her?” he demands, holding her up.
    “We made her whole,” I tell him.
    “What are you talking about?”
    “Let go of me, Levi,” she says, opening her eyes to glare at him.
    “I’ll give you one more warning, and then I’ll have to hurt you.”
    “Silly boy,” she says, throwing him across the walkway. The bushes crunch beneath him as he crashes into them. He’s not moving when he hits the

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