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Book: Activate by Crystal Perkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Perkins
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take care of them,” she tells them.
    “If you’re so sure we’re going to die anyway, why should we tell you anything?” Hinton asks her.
    “We can make your death humane…comfortable.”
    “She’s lying,” Sabrina yells out. “There’s too much hate in her to allow for humanity.”
    Abigail attacks then, swinging a sword out from under her coat. Sabrina’s ready for her, their blades clanging as they meet. It’s almost beautiful, seeing the sparks fly off the blades as they crash into each other. Almost . This is a fight to the death, after all, and while there can be beauty in death, more often than not, it’s too devastating to notice.
    No one else is moving as the two girls battle. It’s like both sides are waiting to see what will happen…who will win...before they make their own moves. Levi watches closely, but he doesn’t move, and I know he’s holding himself back because he wants Sabrina to know she can do this on her own.
    It’s a lesson she’ll need if she survives this, because though Abigail may be the only one wanting to kill her right now, that may not be the case soon enough. The lines are going to blur, and right may become wrong. Knowing she can fight might just save her.
    Both girls are showing no signs of tiring, despite the small scratches and gashes they’ve given each other. I send Hinton a message to step in and end it, but he shakes his head in response. I practically growl in frustration because this could go on for hours; they are just too evenly matched.
    My companion lets me know he has the same views on the matter, and we are trying to figure out what to do when Michaela comes out of nowhere and jumps into the fray. She pushes Sabrina behind her, and takes control of the fight. Sabrina tries to move
    forward again, but Alejandra pulls her back, whispering in her ear that Abigail needs to be taken care of, and Michaela is more capable of making that happen.
    Sabrina concedes and takes her place next to Levi once again. He gives her a small smile before scowling at the man in front of him again. The man smirks back at him, and fires off a shot from his gun, which Levi quickly deflects with his blade, sending it back to lodge in the man’s forehead, killing him instantly.
    The other military men stare at their fallen comrade in shock, before slowly backing up. The seven allow them to walk away, because their humanity does not allow for killing those who mean them no harm. I disagree with this decision, because I know the men would kill them without a second thought.
    “Stop being so stubborn and join us,” Michaela says, trying to reason with Abigail one last time.
    “We need to die, all of us. It is the only way to keep the humans safe.”
    “Lies, Abigail, those are lies. We are part human, and therefore, we will not try to destroy this race of people. You must know that.”
    “What about the Muses?”
    “I don’t know about them, but they’ve lived here all this time without trying to overthrow the country, so I’d say the people are safe from them.”
    The people are not safe from us once we are able to fully rest and regain the power we’ve lost, but I will not speak the truth right now. It’s not time—they aren’t ready yet.
    “I cannot let you live.”
    “Then you must die,” Michaela says, running to the Statue of Liberty and using it as a jumping off point.
    Abigail is not expecting an aerial assault, and as Michaela arcs her body into a flip, she tries to hold up her blade in defense. It’s no use. The momentum Michaela has allows her to slam her blade right through Abigail’s human heart as she knocks her weapon aside with her shoulder. Both girls are on the ground when it’s all over, but only one of them is still alive.
    Abigail’s siblings—Michaela included—flinch in a moment of pain as they feel the loss of her life. “I had to do it,” she tells them.
    “We know,” Levi says, leading the others in gathering around her.
    “What have

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