Across Eternity

Across Eternity by Aris Whittier Page A

Book: Across Eternity by Aris Whittier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aris Whittier
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not sure how to control it."
    "Don’t control it…just let it do what it will." It
took every scrap of will power he possessed not to move to her.
    "I feel powerless and I don’t like it. No one should make me
feel this way."
    "I am the only one who can make you feel that way."
    "Why you?"
    He stood there solemnly, not knowing what to say and wanting nothing more
than to ease her pain and uncertainly. Standing in silence he contemplated and after
a moment he spoke. "Some people believe that the world is in divine
order. You know what I think. I think we must learn to trust what’s
happening to us. It’s happening for a reason. We may not know the reason
and we may not like it, but it’s what’s meant to be."
    "You sound like Heather."
    "Do I?"
    "Yes. She used to tell me, ‘If it’s meant to be it will
happen and it will make you stronger’."
    "This is meant to be. We are meant to be. Please, Amber, trust
what’s happening to us." He held open his arms and when she took
that initial step forward he said a silent prayer of thanks. As she walked into
his embrace he pulled her close to him. "I’m sorry this is hard for
you. I really am."
    Wrapping her arms around his waist, she rested her head against his chest,
giving into all the emotions that were pushing her to the brink.
    Logan stroked her hair and whispered, "Would you like to rest?
It’s been a very long night." When she nodded he quietly led her
into the house and down the hall to one of the guest bedrooms. Placing her on
the bed, he pulled the covers up and then he kissed her brow tenderly. At the
door, with his hand resting on the light switch he said, "Get some sleep.
You’ll feel better when you do."


    Amber rolled onto her back and opened her eyes. It was still dark out and
she wasn’t sure what time it was or how long she had been asleep. It
couldn’t have been more than an hour or so. She had dreamt of him. The
dream was cloudy and different. Logan was unlocking something that lay deep in
her soul. In her dream, she had asked him what he was doing, what they were
doing, but he hadn’t answered her. He’d done what he always
did—he smiled at her sweetly but knowingly, never saying a word.
    The dream confirmed what she was feeling as she had drifted to sleep. She
trusted him. She couldn’t explain why but she trusted him with her life.
Deep within her, she knew they belonged together. She sensed they’d never
really been apart. But she didn’t understand how she knew this. It was more
than just the strong emotions that were between them that hinted at this
closeness. It was something that went deeper.
    Rolling over, she stared out the window but she didn’t see how the sky
was filled with an endless span of stars or the moon, which filtered through
the towering canopy of trees. Instead she saw Logan’s eyes—his
exquisite, telling eyes. They spoke to her revealing all sorts of things that
she wasn’t ready to hear or believe.
    Her nose tingled as the tears pushed at her eyes. She wished more than
anything that she could wrap her mind around what was happening between them.
Their situation was perplexing and when she thought about it logically it
didn’t make sense. She didn’t believe two people could have the
type of dramatic effect they were having on each other particularly, especially
after only knowing each other a day.
    A mere forty-eight hours ago she would have claimed she didn’t believe
in the love-at-first-sight mumble jumble. Feelings and love had to form slowly
and gradually over time. However, what she and Logan were experiencing was
anything but slow.
    If she removed all logic from the situation, which her practical side urged
her not to do, she knew that what was happening felt right. She might not have
an explanation for it but it worked. She turned over again, pulling the covers
up to her chin even though she wasn’t cold.
    She blinked back the tears that managed to surface. For her, it felt as if

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