everything in order, I was exhausted.
I sprawled out on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Half-Breed, do you think they’ll come back? Maybe we should just go to the house tonight.
I do not believe they will return. They know that which they seek was not in this room.
Half-Breed, what do you think Moheeladeck will say?
I hope he lets me rip that dirty cop’s throat out!
Half -Breed, how would that serve our purpose? He’s not working alone and we can’t let them know we are onto them even if it’s only in the slightest way. The element of surprise is going to give us an edge!
You can’t possibly believe for one moment that Moheeladeck will allow you to be placed in that much danger.
Not only is he going to allow it, but as you pointed out, he’s going to come up with the plan! I tussled the hair on the big wolf’s head.
Half-Breed and I agreed not to even think about forming a plan until we could talk to Moheeladeck. Although I was anxious and ideas ran through my mind, Moheeladeck was a Warrior and this was his area of expertise. Half-Breed’s mind was racing with ideas too and it was difficult for either of us to relax.
Princess, I hate to do this to you, but, well, I think we should go for a walk. You know, outside.
Oh, I’m sorry, Half-Breed. I wasn’t even thinking.
Don’t worry, we won’t go far.
After a nature call for Half-Breed’s sake, it was finally time for bed. Half-Breed walked over to the big bed and sniffed at it. He placed his head on the mattress as if to test its softness and then he looked at me.
Go ahead, Half-Breed. You can sleep up there as long as you stay on that side.
Half-Breed climbed up onto the bed and made himself comfortable.
The big bed was considerably smaller because of the space taken up by the wolf. I snuggled down under the covers and he curled up beside me resting his large head on my stomach.
I felt so small lying next to him. I had never even been close to a wolf before, but he was so much more than a wolf. He was my protector, and my friend.
Half-Breed breathed a heavy sigh. Good night, Princess.
Good night, Half-Breed .
Again, as had become ritual since the catcher became mine, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I ran across a meadow toward Moheeladeck, who stood smiling and waiting to greet me. His arms flew around me in a welcoming embrace and Half-Breed jumped with excitement.
“Moheeladeck, we have a problem.”
“Yes,” he replied, “the daylight hours when you are away from me.”
“No, I mean Half-Breed and I have discovered something,” I began, but he interrupted.
“I have heard Half-Breed’s thoughts.”
Half-Breed remained silent, which was out of character for him. The Half-Breed I knew had opinions and took every opportunity to voice them. He seemed so different, and so quiet.
“I have summoned Weekatay,” Moheeladeck said.
Weekatay seemed to appear from the shadows. As she approached, Moheeladeck turned to me. “I will leave you two alone.” Then, facing Half-Breed, he continued, “Half-Breed, come let us survey the work being done to fortify the lodges for the coming of winter.”
He greeted Weekatay with a nod and together he and Half-Breed walked away from us.
“Mother,” I greeted Weekatay. She never ceased to amaze me. She was cloaked in mystery and seemed to always be there just behind a veil of secrecy. “I am pleased to see you, but I sense you are here for a reason.”
“Daughter, I have come here tonight to tell you a story.”
Oh great, I thought, I’m facing a crisis and have to endure story time! I wanted to object, but I knew better. “Yes, Mother, I welcome this time together. Please tell me your tale.”
Weekatay took my hand and led me to the central fire pit.
“Let us sit here by the fire and enjoy the warmth.”
I sat on a log close to her. She took both my hands in hers and as the heat of her grasp seeped into mine as she began.
“Many, many years ago when my mother gave
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