“Yeah, I’m going to romance it off her,” David said.
Ha! Romance it off me, not likely. How could I have been so stupid to trust this guy? I held tighter onto Half-Breed.
Williamson laughed. “You’re pretty sure of yourself, you cocky bastard.” David chuckled at the remark. Then Williamson continued. “Well, just be careful and don’t get involved with her. You know there’s no future in that and in the end we aren’t leaving any witnesses.”
“Yeah, I know,” David said. “Hey, did you ever sneak those guns out of the evidence locker?”
“Yeah, and it was easier than I thought it would be, but from here on we’re going to be meeting out in the open so we can’t be overheard. Meet me here at the park after you see her again. You can update me and we can plan our next move.”
They were farther away from us now and it was a strain to hear them, especially over the frantic pounding of my heart.
It can’t be true! He’s a cop!
I knew I didn’t like him, Half-Breed muttered.
When they were fully out of sight, the catcher grew calm, but my heart was still hammering.
Guns? Half-Breed, I’m afraid. What should we do? We were alone in the park now and the sun had begun to set. I think I would have run away screaming except that I had the protective wolf at my side. Looking down at Half-Breed, I thought maybe those two should be the ones to be afraid.
I can try to protect you, Princess, but I think we must tell Moheeladeck all that we have learned. He has heard my thoughts, but you should speak with him of this for he is wise in the ways of a warrior and will know what course of action we should take.
Of course, Half-Breed was right. But I would have to wait until I slept to talk to my warrior. I forced myself to clear my mind and tried to forget David’s conversation with Williamson.
The afternoon was slowly fading and as we were heading back to the car, I spotted a hotdog vender. Half-Breed’s thoughts turned to his stomach when the aroma hit his nose.
What is that delightful smell? he asked.
Hotdogs, I answered. You hungry?
YOU EAT DOG? He sounded shocked.
No, silly. They are not made of dog, I assure you. Come on, let’s get one.
After downing a few, I managed to coax him back to the car.
Couldn’t we get just one more? he whined as I opened the passenger side door and he climbed in.
No, Half-Breed, I don’t want you to get sick.
I could never get sick of eating those.
We drove back to the hotel quietly. I was lost in my thoughts, thoughts of Moheeladeck and I couldn’t help but wonder what he would say. He would show us the way, I was sure of it. As I drove to my hotel, I was no longer afraid, that is, until I opened the door to my room.
Chapter 14
Someone had broken into my room and completely ransacked it. Clothes and papers were dumped everywhere. Drawers were pulled out and emptied and even the mattress had been tossed onto the floor.
The fur on Half-Breed’s back stood on end from head to tail and he was baring his teeth as a deep growl rumbled in his chest.
I trembled like a leaf, but couldn’t move. Hot tears ran down my cheeks and I mumbled aloud, “I need to call the police.”
NO! Half-Breed cut me off. He raised his nose and sniffed in the air. Williamson has already been here!
I staggered into the room, then slumped into a chair, feeling defeated and totally violated. I don’t know how long I sat there just staring at the chaos.
Half-Breed never left my side.
He nudged me with his nose and in a soft voice full of concern he asked, Princess, are you okay?
“Oh, Half-Breed,” I sobbed as I threw my arms around the wolf’s neck.
At least we know they didn’t find what they came looking for.
You think they were looking for the stone?
I KNOW they were!
Half-Breed, what should we do? I’m so afraid.
We will speak to Moheeladeck. He will know. He will tell us what to do.
I just want to go home.
Soon, Princess. Soon.
By the time we had
Gordon Kerr
Yolanda Olson
Frederick Forsyth
R.M. Prioleau
Alfredo Colitto
Georges Simenon
Laura Lockington
Bárbara McCauley
Tamara Ternie
Jenika Snow