Accidental Love (Accidental Crush #2)

Accidental Love (Accidental Crush #2) by Adrienne Torrisi

Book: Accidental Love (Accidental Crush #2) by Adrienne Torrisi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Torrisi
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    I hear Sid 's voice, but I still don't know what to think or say, so I keep listening.
    " She knows everything." Shane says, and by his tone, I can tell he's reassuring me that it's ok to talk.
    But I still don 't.
    " I know you know, too. It's ok. I get why you didn't tell me."
    " Who is this? What did you do with the real Sid?"
    They both start to laugh. "I am the real Sid."
    " Are you sure?"
    " Stop it." I can tell Sid is holding back her laugh. "It's me. And I get it. I'm just happy I'm finally in the know. And I'm not even going to bring up the "'No Secrets Pact'" we made years ago, but whatever."
    " There's the Sid I know and love." I say with a laugh, finally relaxing a bit. Although, I'm still not sure if there isn't a hidden camera somewhere in my room.
    " How did it happen?" I ask, now anxious to hear the full story.
    " Save it for fro-yo." Shane cuts in.
    " No way. You are telling me now." My frustration is building.
    " Ok. Geez. At school, I saw them at the vending machine. I've always loved vending machines. There are so many options: swee—"
    " Sidney, enough about the vending machines. What happened?"
    " Wow, snippy. Okay, so I went to the vending machine at school, and instead of getting a treat inside the machine, there was a treat on the side of the machine." She giggles at her own joke, but I'm so invested in what she's saying I don't even realize she made one. "I thought it was funny. Oh, well—anyway. Shane and Jonny were whispering and standing really close, too close for friendship. So I cleared my throat to get their attention, and when they turned around and saw me, their faces were priceless. Price-less. And I knew. So I said, 'What is going on here?' And Shane blushed, kind of like he's doing right now, and Johnny said, 'Exactly what you think is going on.' And then I really knew."
    " Shane you were together at school?" I ask, still in shock.
    " After school," he quickly corrects me.
    " But still. That is huge. And risky. I like it."
    " And there was no one around. And no kissing or anything."
    " You've kissed him?" Sid asks with elation in her voice.
    " Okay, we need to save something for fro-yo." Shane interrupts, trying to avoid the conversation getting into too much detail.
    " Now we all have boyfriends!" Sid announces, and I don't hear a trace of anger in her voice.
    We all laugh at that revelation.
    "See you guys in fifteen. This is gonna be a good fro-yo catch up." I say as I hang up. I can't wait. I'm honestly so relieved. I knew this would happen eventually, and I've been dreading it. I was so afraid Sid would be hurt and not understand, but she's so genuinely excited for Shane she doesn't care, and that makes my heart soar. Finally, I don't have to keep this a secret from her anymore. This is going to be the best catch up fro-yo ever!

    Chapter 10: The Sleepover
    I've been waiting for prom for forever. Well, really since Todd asked me, so a little over four months, which feels like forever! Now it's this weekend, and I can no longer hide my excitement. Since we're only freshman, Sid and Shane can't go. The only way a freshman or sophomore can step foot in prom is if they are asked by a junior or senior. As a result, even though I'm dying of excitement inside, I'm trying really hard to act like it's no big deal.
    We 're starting our day at our lockers, as usual, and I'm doing final checks in Sid's mirror. I still didn't get my own mirror, and at this point, why should I? It's way more fun to share Sid's.
    I glance down at Todd 's locker, but he's not there. That's strange. Where is he? He's usually at my locker by now.
    " So, are you excited, Ash? It's the big weekend," Sid says as she smacks her lips together, spreading her lip-gloss.
    I want to scream, ' I can't wait!', but I need to play it cool. "Yeah, I'm excited," I say super nonchalantly.
    " Well, Todd won't shut up about it."
    " Really?" I can't help the smile that spreads across my lips as I place my

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