Accepted Fate

Accepted Fate by Charisse Spiers

Book: Accepted Fate by Charisse Spiers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charisse Spiers
you ask?" He now has his eye brows pulled together as if he's honestly curious. He's takes grasp of his visor bill and begins moving it up and down across his forehead.
    "Just curious I guess. I had in with her on the beach yesterday while you were out on the water. Then, last night I did something stupid at that party so I took off to the beach to clear my head and found her crying..." I didn't even get the chance to finish when Ryland cut in.
    "What the hell dude, are you holding out on me now? What happened at the party? All you had to do was call me bro. Now I feel like shit for leaving you alone."
    "It's not important, besides I handled it. I wasn't going to call you when you were clearly...busy. You never chase after a girl, so I know she must be different." A smile takes form on his face before he turns serious again.
    "Wait, did you say she was crying? I have never and I mean ever seen Kinzleigh cry. The girl comes across about as emotionally breakable as a cement wall. She's a sweet girl but doesn't take crap off anyone. Is she okay? Presley didn't mention her being upset. The two are normally glued to the hip. The only reason she wasn't at Logan's was because of her brother."
    What happened with her brother? "She said her parents told her at dinner they are moving at the end of June. She doesn't really like to give out information about herself, apparently. I couldn't get much out of her. What happened with her brother that would keep her from going to a party? Did someone try to hurt her?" A flash of rage floods my body at the thought of someone trying to hurt her. I begin clenching my fists unconsciously.
    "Calm down Rambo, what's up with the caveman act," he asks raising his brow. "Moving huh? That sucks, I wonder if Presley knows? That's going to be interesting to watch. If you didn't know any better you would think they were twins separated at birth." He laughs. "Anyway, about Konnor and Logan, I don't like putting people's business out there but since you're leaving I don't see how keeping it a secret is relevant, just keep it to yourself. Konnor, her brother, and Logan, you met at the party, were best friends until about a month ago. Konnor dated this girl Sophia for three years. He was obviously pretty crazy about her from the way he acted. In my opinion the girl was a whore in training, but what do I know? The guy is way better than her anyway. He's too nice and everyone loves him and she's the biggest bitch around. Not to mention, he's the best quarterback around these parts. He's a football star kind of like you and Braxton."
    "The team was undefeated all four years he played. I'm really not sure how they lasted as long as they did, thinking about it now. She was always flirting behind his back, even with his friends and teammates, but no one had the heart to tell him. He was sickly in love with her. It wasn't because he couldn't get anyone else either, because the guy could get any girl he wanted. They were all lined up waiting for them to break up. Long story short, someone, names shall not be called, finally got tired of her whoring around behind his back and tipped him off. He came to Logan's in a panic. I guess he thought it was a joke at first, but after seeing the look on everyone's face he burst through Logan's locked bedroom door and found them going at it. Logan was trashed so I don't even know how he was about to get it up but Sophia didn't seem all that drunk at all. I'm telling you she's a bitch. He freaked out and put the guy in the hospital. I still would be surprised if that was even the first time she cheated. No one would say after they saw what he did to Logan. It was brutal. They haven't spoken since. The asshole hasn't even tried to apologize. He just keeps telling people he doesn't remember anything until Konnor walked in, like that's supposed to be an apology for your best friend witnessing you fucking his girl. Kinzleigh and her brother are really close so she cut her ties

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