Abby's Vampire

Abby's Vampire by Anjela Renee Page B

Book: Abby's Vampire by Anjela Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anjela Renee
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my sweet Maurice, who used to bring me a flower every day, is so evil,” Mary said with sadness in her face.
    “I'm so sorry, Mary. I know you were so in love with him. He kills like it’s nothing; I don’t think he came out of the turning completely sane,” Sally said as she comforted her long lost friend.
    “So let me get this straight: Javon turned Maurice and Enri turned Mary and nobody knew what the other had done?” Connor asked. Everyone nodded his or her head in agreement. Connor got up from his seat and began pacing the room. “Well, we need to lure Maurice out before he hurts Abby.”
    “How do we do that?” asked Javon.
    “I have an idea.” Everyone turned to look at Enri. Connor sat back down as Enri got up from his seat and moved to sit next to Mary. He placed his hand on hers, but she pulled away from him.
    “Maurice loves Mary more than anything, so in order to lure him out we need to get him a message that Mary is alive. Once he’s out, we can follow him back to Abby”
    “This would be where my special set of skills may come in handy,” Connor began. “Every Vampire leaves a unique scent behind. I’m a werewolf, so I can follow it without being detected, and we’re sneaky like that.”
    “I will send Mary’s picture around to all the Vampire bars with a message to call to set up a reunion,” Enri responded.
    “Okay, it’s settled. We have a plan to get Abby back and to arrest Maurice for his crimes,” Sally said as she hugged Mary, still excited to have her friend back. Everyone began to disburse to get ready for the plan. Mary and Sally remained in the room alone. Mary began tearing up.
    “Why are you crying, Mary?” Sally asked.
    “Everything. I feel like this whole thing is my fault.”
    “There is nothing you could have done. Enri should have told me about you. If we want to find someone at fault, it’s him. Maybe Maurice would have been okay with you by his side,” Sally pointed out.
    “Please don’t blame Enri. He loves me. I just never felt the same for him,” replied Mary sadly as she looked down at the floor.
    “Let’s forget this nastiness for a while. You will stay with me for now, okay?”
    “That would be great.” Mary laid her head on Sally’s shoulder; they immediately fell right back into their friendship.

    Chapter 24
    Maurice paced the floor of the house he was staying at. He knew he had no choice. He was going to have to turn that fucking bastard. He knew an old abandoned factory that would work for the turning; Detroit was full of them.
    He pulled out his phone and dialed Brian’s number.
    “Brian!” he barked into the phone. “I’m texting the address. Meet me in one hour. Don’t be late.” He shut the phone and then kicked the wall in frustration. “UGH!”
    Maurice sent off the text to Brian and headed off to one of the Vampire bars he liked to troll for food. There was a blood whore he used often who worked there. She let him do things the others wouldn’t. He thought he could pay her to work as food for the turning. He would also need to stop at the hardware store to get chains, rope, duct tape, and a few other supplies for the turning.
    Maurice walked into Hunger , another Vampire bar. Bloodlust was tame compared to this place. It was where Vampires went when they wanted to be Vampires, to give into their more primal nature. The place was very dark and the music was thumping through the building. All the Vampires that routinely visited places like that were like him. He was a Vampire and liked to kill and hurt humans. There were some rules: you couldn’t kill the donors but everything else was pretty much every man, or vampire, for himself. He walked to the bar and ordered a drink and saw some acquaintances of his. A woman walked up—he knew her from past dealings. Her name was Audrey and she was sired by a bastard named Carlos. She wasn’t evil like most of the Vampires there, but she did and went where her sire wanted her

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