Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves)

Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves) by Rayne Rachels

Book: Abby's Heart (Bryant Station Curves) by Rayne Rachels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rayne Rachels
her shoes. She picked up her cellphone and slipped it into a back pocket. 
    Standing up, Abby took a last look around the bedroom.  “Skylar, where are you?” Abby asked herself. She thought about her meeting with the sheriff. “How am I going to get to town?” She closed the bedroom door behind her.
    Abby went downstairs and into the kitchen. She looked around, but found nothing out of place, not even any dirty dishes in the sink. She turned and glanced at the island, on the far corner, sat her truck keys and a note. Slowly she walked around the island. She looked at her keys and raised an eyebrow. Abby picked up the note and read it.
    A problem came up at the construction site. Unfortunately, I’m the only one who can solve it, and the papers I need are in the office. I’ll be home as soon as I take care of everything. Your truck is outside. Billy and Marcus brought it early this morning. They wanted to see you, but I told them you need your sleep more than they needed to see you. I don’t think I earned any points today.
    There is food in the refrigerator. Make yourself at home. It is you home too.
    Abby laid the note back on the island. She looked at the clock on the microwave. It was almost ten o’clock. She had about twenty minutes to get to town or she would be late for her meeting. Abby picked up the keys. She hoped the meeting with Sheriff Anderson wouldn’t take too long.
    Fifteen minutes later, Abby pulled into the alley parking lot behind the building. Abby parked the truck. She stared at the building.
    It really was a beautiful building, but the beauty was hidden behind too many years of neglect—neglect that was her job to peel back. Hidden rooms, skeletons, and old paintings that looked like her were not supposed to be a part of her world. Yes, she and her crew had found forgotten antiques and odd things, but never a human skeleton or the other stuff all in one spot. It was beyond eerie.
    The sooner Sheriff Anderson and his investigators finished with their investigation, the sooner she could get the restoration process underway. This building and its twin were going to make beautiful offices on the two lower floors, and a couple of high-end apartments on the top floors.
    Abby looked around the parking lot. Sheriff Anderson was not there, in fact, no one from the police department was there. Abby frowned. She looked at the clock in her dashboard. She was only five minutes early, but she figured someone would be here, especially with the basement and active investigation site.
    Abby got out of the truck and walked over to the outside basement door. She stared at it. Her eyes widened. “Why didn’t the deputy tell me they were finished with the investigation? I could have had the crew ready to go.” She shook her head. “At least they took all that yellow police tape down. That will save me a good half hour or more to get things ready.”
    The door creaked.
    Abby stopped talking and stared at the door. Slowly she reached out to it.
    Her fingertips made contact with the wood, and she pushed. The door opened.
    “What the hell?” Abby’s surprise turned to anger. “Leaving the building unlocked is totally stupid. You would think police would know better.”
    Abby pushed the door completely open. She hesitated. Quit being silly , she told herself. She walked into the basement.
    Nothing happened.
    Abby let out the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. She repeated. Abby took several steps and stopped. She looked around as she let her eyes adjust to the dark.

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