Abandoned to Lust (Erotic Romance Story), Book 2 (A Month of Pleasure)

Abandoned to Lust (Erotic Romance Story), Book 2 (A Month of Pleasure) by Carla Mason

Book: Abandoned to Lust (Erotic Romance Story), Book 2 (A Month of Pleasure) by Carla Mason Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carla Mason
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    (Previously the girls were having a relaxing night at home when Lex discovered a compromising photo, you know the details from the previous story, so no need to go into those hot and erotic details.)
    Lex was aghast whilst looking at the photo.
    “What are you doing?”
    I thought she was joking at first.
    “Want some pointers”
    I said with a smile, but Lex wasn’t joking
    “What am I doing, I’m enjoying myself, that’s what you said to do”
    Tash was a brighter red than her blood red shirt she was wearing,
    “Listen I’m just into my second week of my month of freedom, lets be honest you girls slutted about from 18 years old,  whilst I was the sensible, studious one, picking up the pieces, hearing your tragic stories, I’m just making up time”
    “Making up time, my God you’re faster than the Concorde”
    Tash piped up, “Lex we supported her, encouraged her, how can you be so prissy now”
    Both Lex and I were aghast at Tash’s take on things.
    It never really occurred to me how I would feel I were to question my past week, it was strange, a week ago I would have felt embarrassed and shy, but one week in I felt strong, as though I’d matured both personally and sexually, I didn’t care what my friends thought as much as I would care about missing out on my experiences.
    “We all enjoy sex, we’re all careful, who is it hurting?”
    Then Lex piped up, “Paul for one”
    My face fell, how could she be so cruel.
    “Why would you say that?  Don’t you understand we talked about this, we agreed on this, I hope he is having the time of his life and in three weeks we will be a better more connected couple, I’m doing this for our relationship”
    Lex and Tash, true friends that they are, were lousy liars.
    “Of course you are, we’re sorry, it’s really none of our business, we love you we just don’t want you to get hurt”
    Lex handed me the photo and I put it in my bedside drawer.  We quickly fell back into step with our conversation and soon we all acted as though “the naughty photo” conversation was never had.
    Tash’s latest love object Bjorn was an artist and was having his opening night tomorrow, at Princeton Gallery.  Lex and I agreed to go to give Tash someone to hang out with. Lets just say it wasn’t Bjorn’s art talent that kept Tash enthralled by him.
    “So I’ll meet you on the corner of Harper and Dacey at the little bistro around 8pm okay?” Tash wanted to make sure we were going to turn up - we both agreed.  The girls packed up,  gave each other hugs and kisses as girls do, and called it a night.
    I cleaned up a little, rolled into my bed suddenly feeling spent.  I opened the drawer and took the photo out, I looked at it, our bodies, Georges muscular lines so well defined, my curves sensual and soft, we were completely in the moment no thoughts other than ravishing each other, an involuntary smile spread across my face as I fell to sleep.
    The next day I felt invigorated, I had completed my next column by mid morning, a first for a very long time, with coffee and bagels in hand writing was so much easier.  It was a gorgeous Spring day, perfect to get some air, I threw a shawl over my shoulders  just in case it turned cooler when I was out, I walked the streets loving where I live, feeling the hum of the city with each step I took.
    Have you found that when you’re out walking the smell of coffee is intoxicating? Not only the  physical need for caffeine, but  the entire production that goes with having coffee - finding the perfect place, the table that you can people watch from, a window that provides a view, all of this done unconsciously but with such precision . I automatically headed to my favourite cafe, the smell of cinnamon buns and coffee in the air. Seated at my favourite table, it feels like a home, away from home. 
    Feeling completely in tune with all that is going on, whom should walk in but an old Uni friend

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