ABANDON ALL HOPE: The Hope Brother Series (Book Two)

ABANDON ALL HOPE: The Hope Brother Series (Book Two) by Honey Palomino

Book: ABANDON ALL HOPE: The Hope Brother Series (Book Two) by Honey Palomino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey Palomino
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shot of whiskey.   My eye was throbbing, but I ignored it, focusing more on relieving the pain inside of my head.
    I had one more person I could call for help.
    I picked up the phone again and Hank Haggard answered on the first ring.
    “Crit!” he answered, his strong, clear voice reminding me of my father’s.
    “Hank, I need some help.”

☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

    I sat at the bar of the saloon, watching my phone light up every fifteen minutes.
    “You ignoring somebody?” Jimmy asked, bringing me another beer.
    “You could say that,” I replied. Crit had been calling me non-stop for hours, but up till now I had successfully avoided answering.  Each new call felt like a new dagger slicing through my heart.  I looked at my watch.  Lincoln was almost twenty minutes late.
    Maybe he’s not coming , I thought.   Maybe he came to his senses and realized what a country bumpkin you are.  
    I tried to push those thoughts away, along with the incessant guilt I was feeling about Crit.  Mixed with anger and confusion and insecurity - I was a mess.  My heart felt like it was swirling out of control, and to be honest, the last thing I wanted to do was go on a date with Lincoln right now.
    I don’t know why I had agreed, and I was regretting it with each passing second.  I wanted to find some big comfy bed and make love to Crit till dawn, maybe eat some ice cream or pie in between.  Anything that didn’t include this torturous despair I was going through.
    I downed my second bottle of beer in ten minutes.  I threw a ten dollar bill on the bar, picked up my purse, and hopped off my bar stool.  I wasn’t even upset that Lincoln had stood me up.  I was relieved.
    I had a big carton of chocolate fudge Bluebell waiting for me in my freezer at home.  I might not have Crit, but I could at least drown my sorrows in sweet, creamy chocolate.
    Jimmy shouted a thank you and a goodbye and I waved at him without turning around, as I made my way out of the bar.
    The sun was setting in the horizon, and I looked up at the pink and grey clouds above me.  Just a few short months ago, I would have looked at those clouds and felt joy.  Now, it was all gone.  Because of Crit and his screwed up excuses.
    “Sorry I’m late,” a voice called from behind me.  I turned and gasped when I saw Lincoln.  His lower lip was swollen, and his eye was purple.
    “Oh, my god, what happened to you?” I exclaimed, rushing over to him, gingerly touching his lip.  He winced in pain and pulled away.
    “Your cowboy boyfriend attacked me.”
    “What?” I asked. “Who?”
    “Crit Hope.”
    “What are you talking about, Lincoln. Why would he do this? And —,” I sputtered, “—he’s not my boyfriend!” 
    “He sure seems to think he is.”
    “Lincoln, I don’t understand.”
    “I told you that I’m in town for business,” he began, “my uncle died and left me his land.  That land just happens to border the Hope farm, who I am guessing you know all about at this point.”
    “Yes, Georgia Hope is my best friend.”
    “Right.  Well, apparently her brother thinks he’s your boyfriend.”
    “This doesn’t make any sense.  Why would Crit hit you?”
    “Because I own his farm.  And he thinks I’m dating his girl, apparently.  He’s a very possessive guy, isn’t he?” Lincoln asked, his eyes squinting at me.
    “You own his farm? What are you talking about Lincoln?”  My voice was high and frantic, my heart was racing and my head was spinning.  None of this made any sense to me.
    “Look, I’ll tell you all about it later, okay?  It’s a long story.”  He tried to smile, but instead ended up wincing in pain.  “I need a drink right now.  How about we go inside and have a few cocktails before dinner?”
    He turned without waiting for my reply, leaving me standing there with my jaw dropped on the sidewalk.  I forced myself to walk, following him slowly back into the saloon.
    Lincoln walked straight up to the

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