case, you'll be able to see the kids Monday night."
"I don't want to just see them. I want to sleep in the same house as them. I want to sleep in my house with them. If Dennis can't stand the sight of me, let him leave the house." I made a face. "He's been such a pissy father. I can't believe a judge would grant him custody." Carmen took me by the shoulders. She was several inches taller than I was and had to duck her head just that littlest bit to level our eyes.
"It'll be all right, Claire. If we don't get satisfaction from Selwey, we'll appeal."
"But that takes time!"
"If so, it's to your benefit. Give Dennis enough rope, and chances are he'll hang himself--tire of the kids, tire of parenting. It's hard work. Let's see him stick with it." "I want my children."
"You'll have them."
"I want them Monday."
"Then spend the weekend working. Meet me here tomorrow, and bring files with you. I'll need financial information about your business and Dennis's. Also, think about Dennis as a father. List the negatives. Be detailed--dates, witnesses. Our argument will be that Dennis set you up and that, in fact, you're the more attentive, more responsible parent."
"In court. In public."
"It has to be done."
"What if Dennis and I reach an agreement before Monday?"
"We still go before Selwey, but it'll be a simpler procedure. I'll call Art and see where we stand. Where can I reach you?" I was about to give her my home number, then realized that I couldn't go Page 50
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there. So I opened my purse and fumbled around for a business card.
"I'll be at the office. After that, at Brody's."
"To sleep?" When I didn't answer, she shook her head. "I don't think so."
"I use Joy's bedroom."
"Doesn't matter. It won't look good."
"But who'll see?"
"Anyone who wants to. Play it safe for the weekend, Claire. Stay at a hotel."
I wanted to argue. I wanted to rant and rave. I wanted to beg Carmen, positively beg her to get my kids back for me, in exchange for which I would give her far more than the ten thousand Lloyd Usher had demanded, and I didn't care if she only spent eight hours on the case, the money was that irrelevant.
But I think she already knew that. I had said as much, albeit not in as many words. I had also argued, and ranted and raved, and was getting tired of hearing my own voice in that high-pitched tone. The problem was that I wasn't used to putting my fate in someone else's hands. I believed that if you wanted things done right, you did them yourself. Brody was one of the few people I trusted more than I trusted myself. Did I trust Carmen Niko? She seemed knowledgeable. She seemed experienced. She seemed kind. She seemed to understand my situation. Did I trust her? I guess I had to for now.
"Hi, Mom. How are you feeling?"
"Claire. Why didn't you call last night? I was worried the plane went down."
"You would have heard if it had," I said in an attempt at brightness. "I was late getting home. Things got hectic."
"I was lying here waiting. That isn't good for my heart." What could I say? I couldn't have possibly called her last night. It was only now, riding home with Brody after meeting with Carmen, that I felt composed enough to do it. "I'm sorry, Mom."
"Well. It's done. How are the children?" According to Elizabeth, with whom I had talked three minutes before,
"They're fine."
"I take it Dennis made out well enough while you were gone." Oh yes. "He did. Are you feeling any better?"
"What did .. . say? I can't hear. Something's .. . with the connection."
"I just went through a tunnel." Louder. "I just went through a tunnel. There. Is that better?"
"You're in the car?"
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"Yes." "Where are you going?"
"I had a meeting in Boston. I'm on my way to the office."
"You sound tired."
Tired was one word for it. I wanted to tell her the others, but couldn't. "Getting home is always hard after being gone so long. Things pile up."
"When will you
Robert J. Sawyer
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