A Wife for Stephen

A Wife for Stephen by Valcine Brown

Book: A Wife for Stephen by Valcine Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valcine Brown
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“Do you mind if I room with you in Vegas? I
don’t want to be all by myself.”
“You won’t be by yourself, you’ll be with Stephen.”
“Not while I’m sleeping, I won’t.”
    Jenny giggles at the shock she hears in Celeste voice
before continuing to say, “Of course you can room with
me. Did you call and see if there was room for you on my
    “Not yet. I’ll do that right now. Maybe they can
sit me
and airline
    Celeste writes the information on her memo pad just as
Jenny, excited for Celeste’s newfound freedom says, “Call
me back and let me know.”
    “Will do,” says Celeste before hanging up the phone.
Retrieving the yellow pages from the bookshelf, she begins
to look for the phone number to the airline on to which
Jenny is already booked.
    Before she can pick up the phone to dial the number to
the airline, her line rings, “Hello,” Celeste says as she
answers the phone call.
“Hey, it’s Stephen.”
    Surprised to be hearing Stephen’s voice, Celeste replies
back, “Hi.”
“I called the airline that Jenny is booked on, and they
have one more seat available. I don’t know if it is next to
Jenny, but you’ll both be in first class.”
“Wow, you sure work fast. I was just about to call
them,” Celeste admits.
“You were?”
“Yeah. I’ve decided to accept your invitation and come
to Las Vegas.”
“Great!” Stephen exclaims. “I hope you don’t think me
too presumptuous, but I took the liberty of reserving you a
seat on the flight. I was hoping that you would say ‘Yes.’
Listen. I’ll arrange everything for the rest of your trip; all
you need to do is show up at the airport. Okay?”
“OK,” Celeste agrees. “Jenny said that I could share her
room, so there’s no need to make hotel reservations for
“All right. Well, you sleep well, and I’ll be at the airport
to pick you up when you arrive.”
knowing what
“That’ll be fine.”
“See you then,” is the last thing Stephen says to Celeste
before ending the call.
“See you then,” Celeste says before hanging up the
As Stephen places the phone back on the loop of his
pants, he realizes that he is immensely relieved that Celeste
has decided to come and spend time with him. He is getting
the chance that he prayed for.
    After telling Jenny that she got a seat on the flight,
Celeste asks Jenny if she would mind picking her up on her
way to the airport.
    “Of course not. I’ll just ask Mario to
send the limo here
a half an hour earlier so that we won’t be rushed to make
our flight.”
“That’s what Mario said. I told him that wouldn’t be
necessary, but he insisted. I figured there was no harm in
letting him flex his muscles a bit. You know how men are,
always out to prove a point of some sort.”
“I guess,” comments Celeste, realizing that in fact, she
has no idea how men are, not having had any experience
with them. She has, however, had plenty of experience with
boys. There’s quite a difference between men and boys. “I
better start packing. Hey, it’s been a long time since we’ve
been to Vegas. Want to do some shopping while we’re
there? You know I love to visit any out of town mall.”
“Cool. See you in the morning.”
Having ended their conversation, Celeste goes about
making preparations for leaving on an overnight trip. She
dog sitter
and asks her
come by
Saturday evening to walk Thomas, Sunday morning for
feeding and walking, and again on Sunday evening since
Celeste is not sure what time she will be home.
With eyes wide open, she realizes that she should call
Pastor Rawlins and let him know that she won’t be
attending services on Sunday. It suddenly occurs to Celeste
that she is not quite sure how to explain that she is going
out of town to see someone who is practically a stranger.
Celeste decides to just bite the bullet and get it over

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