A Whispered Darkness
library would have records about the house. Articles and things, right?”
    Haven nodded. “I could take you tomorrow, if you wanted.”
    “Thanks. That’d be great.”
    I couldn’t decide whether to be flattered or afraid of Haven’s intentions. He’d gone about things in a weird way, but I liked him, and he seemed genuine. Questions about him mingled with those about the house and the past. My head pounded like it might explode.
    One thing, however, always came to the front. “Why would Bryan do this? Why come out to the house and warn me off? He says he knows how he’s acted, but he still did it anyway. And after going out of his way to be nice, now he’s decided he’s angry with me.”
    Haven balled our trash up and chucked it into the bag. “I’d like to say he’s just a jerk.” His brow furrowed. “But it is weird even for him. I guess he really likes you.”
    “I guess we’ll see how much he likes me. When he finds out where I’ve been all day, he’s going to flip.”
    Haven shrugged. “You don’t have to tell anyone you were with me. It won’t offend me if you don’t.”
    I wondered how often that happened to Haven.
    “Come on, let’s talk about something else. It’s my turn to ask a few questions.”
    I took a deep breath, ignoring the sinking feeling in my gut. “All right.”
    He smiled. “What do you like to do for fun?”
    Not what I expected. “Well, I like movies, books. You know, normal stuff.”
    “Movies, huh?” He perked. “Maybe sometime I’ll have to take you to one.”
    Another blush warmed my cheeks and I nodded “I might be convinced to go to the movies.”
    “What kind do you like best?”
    I sighed. “You’ll be disappointed to know that I’m not a chick-flick fan. Adventure movies, fantasy, sci-fi. Those are usually my top choices.”
    His eyes widened and he clutched his chest. “Beautiful, psychic, and doesn’t like chick flicks? Marry me.”
    I laughed, then leaned over and covered his hand with mine. A ripple of awareness moved through my fingers. I thought I saw the same in the slight jump of Haven’s fingers. “If I forget to tell you later, Haven, thank you.”
    “For what?”
    “For being open. For not lying to me.”
    His fingers curled around mine. “Any time.” His gaze caught mine until I blushed and looked away. He released me and got to his feet. “How about a walk around the park? It’s nearly noon.”
    I took the hand he offered, ignoring the feeling of déjà-vu that happened whenever I touched him. At first, it had been so slight I hadn’t really noticed. The longer I talked to him, the more the contact set me off balance. It wasn’t anything he did—it was just a strange bond between us.
    We headed back to the car, and butterflies fluttered to life at the thought of having to go home.
    “Are you sure your mom isn’t going to freak about the two of us skipping together? Because mine will if the school called this morning and she paid attention to the phone.”
    His face closed, a wave of hurt blanketing his expression for a second. “No. I live with my grandmother.”
    “Oh. I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t be. Things are difficult with my family. Grandmother isn’t bad, she just doesn’t approve of me.”
    “Approve of you?” I laid a hand on his arm. Beneath my fingers, his muscles tensed. “What do you mean? She doesn’t like your behavior?”
    “She doesn’t like me much. It’s not personal, she didn’t intend on raising her grandchild is all. She’s pretty strict.”
    “Why the hell did we skip, then? I don’t want to get myself in trouble, but I definitely don’t want you to get in trouble on my account.” I told him. Not liking your grandkid seemed pretty damn personal to me. I found myself annoyed on his behalf. Mom may be struggling with Grant and me, but we knew she loved us.
    He laughed. “It’s good to know you care.” Unlocking the car, he grinned at me. “Don’t worry too much. She’s

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