normal girl finding out if this sizzle between us was really as good as I expected it would be.
Knowing my mom, she would do everything in her power to keep at least three feet between Quinn and me at all times. Except after she went to sleep, all I’d have to do was say his name and he’d phase in to my room.
“I suppose you have come to know each other very well in that time.” My mom should have gone to work as interrogator for the FBI. “ Pepper hasn’t had a boyfriend before, so you can imagine what a surprise this is for me. I always thought she’d meet someone once she was well into her twenties. A doctor or a lawyer. She really does cut herself short.”
There was silence. I couldn’t form a response appropriate enough for her ears. Quinn was frowning as if he didn’t know what to make of my crazy mom. Come on, when do I get a break here? The boy sitting next to me was a prince, future king , and my mom hoped I wo uld marry a doctor or a lawyer?
Maybe I could tell her Quinn was in med school—Nah.
Why spoil the fun? I’d makeup something later, after she ’d assumed the worst.
“Being so young, there are limitations in a relationship.” She continued offhand, as if this were a regular chat instead of an inquisition. She might as well shine a light in my face and ask me for dates and times. “Physical limitations…and I’m sure you know by now that Pepper is saving herself for marriage.”
Oh no she didn’t.
“Mom can I see you in the living room?” I shot out of my chair, not looking at Quinn, and headed back to the white room.
“Is something the matter Pepper ?” she asked, following, all innocent.
“Yes, I’m upset.” I snapped, turning to face her. “Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” she sounded like she really didn’t know what she had done. I was more than positive this attack had been intentional. Premeditate d and well planned.
“You’re trying to figure out if Quinn and I had sex!” I heard him chuckle in the other room and groaned. “I wish you could trust me.”
My mom, who usually flinched when I said sex , laughed. “Of course I don’t trust you. My parents never trusted me.”
“Yeah, because they were controlling freaks. Look, I know why you married dad, and it wasn’t because you loved him.”
“You’re right,” she said quietly. “I did not do the right thing by marrying your father. I see that now. But I got to have you. I’m doing this because I love you Pepper .”
“You have a funny way of showing it.”
“I just want what is best for you.” Her flat brown eyes were more expressive than they’d ever been. For a second I thought that she would be understating, love me in that way I’ve always wanted her to. “You could be such a pretty girl if you took off that makeup and those hideous clothes.”
“If I did I wouldn’t be me.” I shook my head, trying not to be let down. She would never be the mom I wanted, and I knew that. But a small part of me always hoped to make her see my point of view. To make her want me no matter what I was. “This is how I express myself. I’m not a slut and I have not had sex with Quinn. I’m a virgin .”
“There is no reason for you to be so graphic. I told your father letting you think for yourself was a terrible idea.”
I smiled sweetly, “I’m sorry I haven’t taken w ell to being a mindless drone.”
Her face flamed red. “You will not speak in such a disrespectful manner. And since you have shown no interest in your scholastic life, I have taken the liberty of applying to several colleges. You have been accepted to two so far.”
Once again the wall was up. She was back to being a frigid bitch who ignored who I was. Maybe I scared her. She didn’t understand me, and she probably felt threatened.
“I’m going to fashion school. I actually got accepted to one in New York.” Which I failed to mention to Quinn, or anyone else, and for good reason, mom would find out. She
Ian McDonald
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Adelina St. Clair
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Julia Álvarez