A Touch of Magick

A Touch of Magick by N. J. Walters

Book: A Touch of Magick by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
Tags: Romance, Paranormal
the next piece of her life into place. “Apparently, he’d seen the graffiti and stopped. He convinced me to report it.” The corners of her mouth turned up at the memory. “Actually, he didn’t give me much choice.”
    “That sounds like Ry,” Esther agreed. “He’s a straight arrow.”
    “How did you end up on a date with him? At least, I assume it was with him.” Maggie got up from the table and headed for the coffeepot.
    How to explain it? Rhiannon thought for a moment. “There was something…” She sighed and threw her hands in the air. “I don’t know what it was, but it was electric.” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “There were sparks when we touched.”
    “Literally or figuratively?” Having filled her mug with more Irish cream coffee, Maggie ambled back to the table.
    “Literally. I mean there were actual sparks. Probably just static electricity.” She didn’t know who she was trying to convince. Them or her.
    “But you were attracted to him.” It wasn’t a question, but she responded to Esther’s assessment of what had happened.
    “Yes.” She could feel heat creeping up her cheeks. “He kissed me.” Rhiannon could still taste him on her lips, feel his hands on her body, holding her close as he kissed her. Her nipples tightened and she wrapped her arms around her chest in a reflexive action.
    “Uh oh.” Esther stared at her friend. “From the look on your face, I’d say it was one heck of a kiss.”
    “It was.” Her voice was barely a whisper. Esther and Maggie exchanged knowing looks. Rhiannon gathered her composure and continued her story. “It might have gone further if we hadn’t been interrupted by a colleague who’d come to examine the scene.”
    “Bad timing on Jed’s part.” It didn’t surprise Rhiannon that Esther knew who it was.
    “Jed Bearson?” Maggie’s voice sounded strained, but her face was composed.
    “Yes. He seemed very nice.” Rhiannon studied her friend. “You okay, Maggie?”
    She nodded. “I’m fine. Tell us what happened with Ryland.”
    “It’s simple. He asked me out for dinner and I said yes.” That was the short answer for such a complicated subject. Rhiannon didn’t tell them of the hours she’d spent arguing with herself, wondering if she’d done the right thing or not by accepting the dinner date.
    “How did it go?” Curiosity was etched on Esther’s face.
    “It was wonderful. It was awful.” She fought the urge to bury her face in her hands when both her friends looked concerned. “He took me to The Seaside.”
    Maggie let out a low whistle. “Not cheap. Kudos to him.”
    Rhiannon laughed, but quickly sobered. “He kissed me in the parking lot before we went in.” She hesitated for a second before plunging onward. “Every car alarm in the lot went off.”
    Esther stared at her. “Surely you don’t think you had anything to do with it?”
    Rhiannon rubbed her forehead and drank another mouthful of coffee. It was going to take more than a vat of coffee to drive away the headache lurking behind her eyes. “Do you remember me telling you I had problems with my magick?”
    Both women nodded. She noted that Esther seemed relaxed, but that Maggie tensed the second she mentioned the word magick. There was nothing she could do about that. She needed to be honest with them.
    “My sister called and she thinks my problem is that my magick is trapped inside me.” It sounded stupid to say it aloud, but she did it anyway. “According to Gwen, I need to have sex with the right man to release it.”
    Maggie’s jaw dropped and Esther let out a bawdy laugh. “Was she serious?” Esther asked when she regained control. “It’s certainly justification to have a hot affair with a sexy guy.”
    “This is serious.” Rhiannon jumped out of her chair and began to pace.
    “I’m sorry. It just sounds so crazy.”
    “Don’t you think I know that?” Pacing wasn’t helping, so she threw herself back down onto her chair. “Her

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