A State of Jane

A State of Jane by Meredith Schorr Page B

Book: A State of Jane by Meredith Schorr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Meredith Schorr
and Trish's party. And since I slickly inquired about Todd's plans for the weekend, I knew he'd be around on Saturday night. Best of all, I felt no pressure to do more than kiss the guy since I only had to engage in the charade for three dates. Thankfully, he wasn't a bad kisser because even that could get tiresome.
    In the meantime, Lainie noticed that I spent less time trying to recreate the recipes from Top Chef and more time out of the apartment. As we sat in the kitchen drinking coffee before work on Thursday morning, she inquired as to the extent of my interest in this “new dude.”
    I threw out the used coffee filter and put my dirty mug in the dishwasher. “He serves his purpose,” I said.
    Lainie raised her eyebrow at me. “Purpose? What purpose would that be?”
    Shrugging, I said, “I need a date to Bob's party on Saturday. A male date. Todd's single and interested. Serves his purpose.”
    “So you don't like him?”
    “Why does it matter?”
    Lainie stood up and put her coffee cup in the sink. “Not sure I follow your question,” she said.
    I removed her coffee cup from the sink and placed it in the dishwasher next to mine. “Nothing to follow, Lainie. I've got it under control.” Since I had run out of yogurt, I stood on my tippy-toes so that I could reach the top shelf of our pantry and grabbed one of Lainie's granola bars. “You don't mind if I take one of these, do you?”
    Lainie was staring at me oddly but shook her head and said, “No. Be my guest.”
    “Thanks.” Tossing the bar in my pocket book, I flashed Lainie a smile and said, “I gotta run. Have a great day!”

    *   *   *

    Later that night, I tried to watch UCLA take on Arizona in college basketball at Bar Coastal but most of my brain activity was consumed with calculating the perfect way to ask Todd if he'd escort me to Bob and Trish's party. We were sitting next to each other at the bar. Todd was drinking a pint of beer and I was nursing a cider. I was still full from the pasta dinner we'd eaten at the Italian restaurant around the corner.
    On a commercial break, Todd turned his attention to me. “Thanks for agreeing to watch the game with me. I'm usually more creative on a second date but the Bruins and Wildcats are major rivals. Like the Yankees and Red Sox! Or the Giants and Eagles. I couldn't miss this game!”
    I got the distinct feeling that Todd was way more passionate about sports than torts. I flipped my hair and placed my hand over his. “No worries. This is fun!” I lied.
    Todd grinned. “Great! I'd hate my addiction to ruin my chances of a third date.”
    Not a chance. “I'm just happy you want to go out again,” I said sweetly.
    The commercial break had ended and so, with one eye on me and the other watching the screen, Todd nodded. “Totally. The sooner the better.”
    I couldn't ask for a better opening. “Funny you should say that.”
    “Yeah? Why's that?” Todd turned his head to face me before quickly looking back at the game.
    Crossing the fingers of my left hand under my thigh, I said, “I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party with me on Saturday night. A friend of mine just moved in with his girlfriend and they're having a housewarming party.” I paused. “Fun people. Should be a good time.”
    Todd removed his attention from the game and angled his body toward mine. He grabbed my hand and said, “I'd love to, Jane.” Gesturing towards the television set, he said, “Any chance these friends of yours follow college basketball?”
    “Totally! Bob played basketball in college. He's practically addicted!” An embellishment more than a lie since Bob was on the basketball team in high school and even got to play a few games.
    Beaming, Todd exclaimed, “Then it's a date!”
    Beaming back, I said, “Yay!”
    A moment later, Todd was again entranced by the game. He was still smiling and although he only spoke to me on commercials, he would occasionally squeeze my hand. I squeezed it back

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