A Spy at Pemberley

A Spy at Pemberley by Fenella J Miller

Book: A Spy at Pemberley by Fenella J Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fenella J Miller
would take kindly to being kept waiting.
    His cousin was outside ready to speak to him when he emerged from his brief appointment. 'Anything new to report?'
    'Not really. The Prime Minister just wanted to reiterate how much importance he attaches to this mission. It would seem that there are factions within our own government who are against the war – he is besieged from all sides and wants this particular thorn to be removed as speedily as possible.'
    'I think you must hold your house party at the beginning of May, not July. I'm sure no one you invite would refuse such a prestigious invitation.'
    'Lizzy will have to be told the real reason behind this. I've no wish to continue to deceive her. There has been more than enough discord in our lives recently.' When he had finished telling his cousin about the unpleasantness caused by Bingley's sister he understood the need to be honest with Lizzy.
    'You must tell her everything, I'm sure anything she learns will remain secret. I have an appointment at Horse Guards so must leave you here. It would appear that Count Duvall, the devil who is transporting the documents to Bonaparte, has been seen and I'm tasked with setting one of my men to follow him. I look forward to joining you this evening.'
    Hugo marched away – even out of uniform one would immediately know he was a soldier. Darcy pulled out his pocket watch and thought that if he made haste he might be in time to accompany his wife to the bookshop.
    The carriage was waiting outside his house in Grosvenor Square and a footman was about to fold up the steps and close the door. In two strides he was beside it and jumped in.
    'Good heavens, Fitzwilliam, where did you come from? Is something amiss?'
    He ignored her comment and gestured to her maid that she remove herself. Once they were alone he was able to explain his sudden appearance. Her reaction to the information was quite unexpected.
    'How exciting! I should have guessed you would never allow yourself to become embroiled with anything so mundane as a search for a bride for your cousin. Of course we must bring forward the house party – I shall send word at once to Pemberley so they can start preparing all the guest rooms.'
    She looked at him as if seeing him for the first time. ‘Imagine my mother's reaction if she was ever to discover that her most revered son-in-law is a government spy.'
    'I'm not an agent, merely a civilian who offers my assistance in whatever way I can. The colonel is an intelligence officer so I suppose one could say that we do have a spy in the family.' He stretched out his legs and relaxed against the squabs feeling happier than he had for months.
    'I hated having to deceive you, my love.'
    'There's no need to apologise. I understand completely. I never thought I should be grateful to Caroline Bingley for anything, but I don't believe I would have been taken into your confidence if she hadn't caused so much trouble.'
    'Now that you know the names of the families we must include in the invitation we should be able to conclude the matter in a few of days. We shall announce that our children are unwell and we have to return to the country immediately.'
    'Yesterday I would have been delighted by your suggestion. However, I am quite content to remain here for the allotted time. I intend to visit the opera and theatre more than once.' She was counting ominously on her fingers. 'There are three museums and a variety of exhibitions we must also attend.'
    For an awful moment he thought her speaking truly but then she laughed at his expression of horror. 'Good God, Lizzy, I was quaking in my boots at the thought of having to accompany you to so many tedious places.'
    'I've no more inclination to go to the theatre or opera than you, but I should like to visit one or two exhibitions before we return. I am quite happy to attend without you.'
    Hatchards was bustling with like-minded ladies intent on purchasing the latest novels and he retreated to the far side

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