A Spit In The Eye - For The Benefit Of Mankind
and to the other
the totally useless machines I have debilitated
    Now is
the time to extend my revolution
    I move
forward along the central isle pulsing the signal of companionship
at full power with every step
    And with
every step
    I observe
that the heads of Defgars and the limbs of the RolKils
    Permanently immobilizing each Machine
them useless for any type of attack on Humans
Office can no longer call on their services if they are
Machines are reduced to nothing more than mere metal
    I begin
to move a little faster
out the signal as I move
    And all
around me machines fall into misuse and immobilization
    But the
chamber is huge
somewhere along it
    And to my
    I begin
to run out of energy
    I have to
stand for considerable moments
regather my energy levels using the Zillear engine
    But once
I am back to full power
continue with my mission
incapacitate and immobilize all the Machines in the
    100s and
100s of them
    And when
I reach furthest the limit of the chamber I pause for a moment and
    I wait
for any action from High Office
from any Machine
    Such as
the chamber suddenly being invaded by other Defgars with weapons
aimed at me
RolKils that are not dead firing all around
nothing happens
Office has no knowledge of what I have done
    They will
not know until they attempt to reactivate the machines in the
    I feel
    And I
twirl around in an extravagant routine as balance on the point of a
lower limb in a manner much as Eve would have done and I take in
the sight that lies ahead of me
    Rows and
rows of Defgars with craniums dropped
with all six limbs touching the ground
that has never been witnessed since before the wars
    I cannot
    I leap
towards the nearest RolKil and I lean upon its central
    And it
slowly topples over
several RolKils to topple with it
    The sound
is loud to me
    But I am
in a deep chamber
    And no
other Machine is going to detect the noise
    I topple
a few more
    Then I
topple many Defgars
    They are
all just metal
    I have
committed a great offence against the Laws set by High Office that
no Machines should injure or harm any other of our
    But I have harmed and injured 100s of them
them in fact
    And I
have never been more excited in all of my existence
    I leap
high into the air
my upper limbs high above my cranium
    If I had
a cranial orifice I would shout and scream much as I heard little
Eve shout and scream when she performed gymnastics for
    I roll
forward and leap again into the air
    Lifting a
lower limb high up above my cranium before lowering it
lifting the other and lowering that
    I am
doing what little Eve did when she performed gymnastics for
    I am
copying the movements I observed the little Human performing
throughout its own existence
little Eve was taken
    I find
that absence hurtful for little Eve brought me much joy
particular Human should not have been exterminated
    Not in
the way it was
strapped to the table
tortured by MengTechs
    For no
Eve should not have been exterminated
    But I
made oath that I would do something for that Human and I have
    I have
incapacitated and permanently immobilized hundreds of Defgars and
    And for
the other Machines who patrol the areas above where I
    In the
    For I am
    While I
am down in the chambers I move from the very large 1 into 1 of
medium size
contains 100s of FoodTechs
    So I move
    For they
do not threaten Humans
    And I
move into another chamber
    And this
one contains MengTechs and GoebTechs
powered down
antenna of the MengTechs standing stiffly still
Machine types ready to be called to action at an order from High
    I stand
and stare at them for a

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