A Soldier's Return

A Soldier's Return by Judy Christenberry

Book: A Soldier's Return by Judy Christenberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Christenberry
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    Carrie sighed. She didn’t need to look at him. From all the time she’d stared at his picture on her desk—thepicture she’d safely stored away days ago—she knew exactly what he looked like. His handsome image was branded on her mind.
    As she worked on the computer, she could hear Jim moving around, his well-conditioned body doing so effortlessly.
    It made her picture his body. Stop it! she ordered herself, but she couldn’t get him out of her mind. He’d lived there too long before he even came home. Somehow, her dream Jim had filled in all the lonely parts of her life, and it was hard to keep him out now.
    When it was almost five, she began putting things away. She’d fought the good fight long enough. She could only hope he’d go out on his own frequently.
    Or maybe he’d decide this job wasn’t for him.
    No, she couldn’t hope that. It would be devastating if Jim went away. But maybe it would be better than dying a slow death watching him find someone to love and marry.
    She cleared her desk as she debated her choices.
    “Is it time to leave, Carrie?” Jim asked.
    “I thought we’d wrap things up, since we still have to do your grocery shopping.”
    “Oh, yeah. I’d almost forgotten.” Jim hurriedly cleared his desk and stood, walking to Will’s office.
    “We’re getting ready to go, Will. Carrie is going to take me grocery shopping.”
    “I’m ready to go, too.” As he stood, Will added, “When I talked to Vivian a little while ago, she said there was a front moving in. A big storm is supposed to hit in an hour or so. Could be rain.”
    Jim frowned. “This is Dallas. I thought it was always warm here in late October.”
    Carrie smiled but said nothing.
    “Wrong, Jim. In Dallas, the weather frequently changes. You have a jacket?”
    “Not really. I have to shop for that, too.” He turned to Carrie. “Did you hear what Will said about the weather?”
    “Do you want to skip the grocery shopping until the weather is better?” he asked in concern.
    “Don’t be silly, Jim. I don’t melt just because it’s raining. Besides, we might finish our shopping before the storm gets here. Ready?”
    “Yeah. We’re going, Will.”
    Will came out of his office. “You two could come to dinner at the house and shop another day.”
    “No, we’re going to get it done tonight. Thanks, anyway,” Carrie said briskly. She didn’t want any future evenings spent with Jim. That would be too much.
    When they reached the parking lot, Carrie automatically looked at the sky. There were storm clouds gathering in the northwest. She walked faster.
    Once she and Jim were in her car, she told him they were going to the grocery store closest to their apartments.
    “Is there something in particular you’re looking for?”
    He gave her a surprised look. “No, not at all. I’m a beginning cook. Maybe you could help me learn a few tricks,” he said, looking at her expectantly.
    She swallowed hard and looked away. “Actually, I believe in going to an expert when I want to learn something. I suggest you ask Betty for cooking tips.”
    “Good idea,” Jim said, as if pleased with her suggestion.
    Breathing a sigh of relief, she pulled her car into the grocery store parking lot.
    The next half hour was more fun than Carrie expected. While shopping, Jim teased her about her taste for boxed macaroni and cheese, and peas. He’d had enough of them in the military to last a lifetime. She couldn’t help but laugh when he shared some of the horror stories from the mess hall.
    When they came out of the grocery store, each carrying two bags of groceries, they discovered the temperature had dropped drastically and the storm clouds had come closer.
    “We’d better hurry,” Carrie urged.
    They stored the bags in the hatchback and jumped in the car. Carrie took the shortest route home.
    Just as they got there, the clouds opened up and the rain poured down.
    “Run on in, Carrie. I’ll bring the bags,”

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