A Sinful Vow: Inked Angels MC

A Sinful Vow: Inked Angels MC by Zoey Parker

Book: A Sinful Vow: Inked Angels MC by Zoey Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zoey Parker
you to fuck and forget? Then fine, that’s all I’ll be! But let’s skip the fucking part and just get straight to the forgetting.”
    The embarrassed heat in my cheeks hadn’t calmed down since Blaze had walked in on me. The flush rose further in my chest and throat as I yelled at him.
    He started to say something, but I cut him off. “This whole marriage is bullshit! This whole thing is so disgusting, I can’t believe I ever let myself be a part of it! Married to the world’s biggest asshole and I’ve never even had the chance to have another man before.” At this last part, I froze and clapped a hand over my mouth.
    I couldn’t believe what I’d just let slip, the one thing I’d been most desperate to keep hidden from Blaze forever: that I was still a virgin.
    I’d never seen Blaze at a loss for words before, but even he stuttered for a moment, absorbing this new information.
    “You’re a…virgin?” he said, still taken aback.
    I tore away from his grasp, leaped out of the shower, and threw a towel around myself. I ran into the bedroom, toweling off in a frenzied hurry before throwing on the first outfit I could find.
    I had to get out. I had to get away from him. The last thing in the world I needed was to seem even more vulnerable than I had already appeared. It was bad enough to be stashed away on this foreign beach with only him. It was bad enough to be tied into this insane, ridiculous marriage. It was bad enough to be swept up in his swagger, his silent charm, his beautiful looks, so much so that he’d caught me touching myself and murmuring his name.
    But this was the worst part yet.
    How could I have been so stupid?
    He tried to stop me from leaving, calling out my name, but I ducked under his arm and jetted out the door. I needed to put distance between him and me as fast as humanly possible. I sprinted away from the house and onto the beach, not daring to look back at all the mistakes that laid behind me.
    The sun had started to set while I sat with my back against an outcropping of rock and cried. How could anyone be expected to handle this? It was impossible to resist the man I’d married. I wanted him so badly. But it was impossible to give in and let myself be consumed by him, because I was so scared that there would be no surviving the experience. He would break me and abandon me, just like he’d abandoned every other girl in his life.
    My chest heaved with all the emotion boiling over inside me. Embarrassment, fear, loneliness, and, at the heart of everything, the most overwhelming desire I’d ever felt in my life. I craved his touch as much as I was dying to escape it.
    The waves were nibbling away at what was left of the beach. It would be dark soon. I didn’t know what I was going to do. My problems weren’t going away while I sat here. They were back at the villa, embodied by a six foot two man with a smile that cracked me wide open.
    I was surprised he hadn’t come after me. I’d been so silly to let myself get carried away in the shower, and once he’d caught me, I was sure that that would be it, that we’d have sex and he would leave me in his wake, without so much as a see you later. It hadn’t been long, but I was already feeling so dependent on him. He was a force to push against, a masculine power that I hadn’t come across in my entire life. He was a craving—not a want, but a need.
    Footsteps crunched on the sand. Blaze rounded the corner. He stopped about ten feet away and looked at me. His head tilted to the side as he stared. The waves rumbled next to us.
    “It’s gonna get cold once the sun sets,” he said. “You should come back inside.”
    “I’m not going anywhere,” I told him.
    He crossed the distance between us until he stood in front of me. Offering one hand to me where I sat, he pulled me to my feet.
    We looked each other in the eyes. It was always like this with

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