A Shade Of Vampire 4: A Shadow Of Light

A Shade Of Vampire 4: A Shadow Of Light by Bella Forrest

Book: A Shade Of Vampire 4: A Shadow Of Light by Bella Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Forrest
surrounded by her. These people I was with were her friends. The Catacombs was her world. I was sitting inside her home. I was suddenly so aware of her absence, causing a heavy weight to settle on my chest.
    I swallowed hard just in time to catch a glimpse of Corrine staring directly at me, as if knowing exactly what I was going through.
    “You’re not going to survive without her. You can try, but apart from her, you’re out of depth, Novak.”
    “What do you want me to do, Corrine?”
    “Get Sofia back here. There’s no other way.”

Chapter 16: Ingrid
    The morning after Aiden and I made love, he found me cowering in a corner, trying to get as far away as I could from the sunlight streaming through his large bedroom windows. I could swear I heard him snicker when he saw me. I couldn’t help but shoot him a look of thankfulness, however, when he pulled the heavy drapes over the windows, once again allowing us to be in the darkness.
    He pulled a robe over his body before turning to look at me. “No one can know this happened.”
    That hurt. I wondered if he even had any idea the kind of effect he had on me. I wondered if he had even the slightest clue what it did to me when he took me in his arms the night before and held me like he did before—like I was Camilla. It felt like forgiveness, like redemption, like acceptance.
    You’re such a fool, Ingrid. He used you. That’s what he did.
    He began gathering my clothes and placed them over the bed. “Get dressed,” he instructed, worry creasing the lines on his forehead. He then walked to the bathroom. Minutes later, I heard the shower running.
    My knees were still shaking as I stood to my feet. I wasn’t sure if it was because of the sunlight or the fact that the full reality of what had just happened dawned on me. I never actually enjoyed sharing the marriage bed all those years I was with Aiden. I tried my best to please him, because I loved him, but to me, it was my duty as his wife and not necessarily something I relished.
    This time, however, I found myself giving into him with abandon in a way I never did before. Perhaps it was the time and the distance that kept us apart for a good part of a decade. I wasn’t sure why, but I wanted him as much as I felt he wanted me. I gave myself to him without inhibition. I was surprised by my own response.
    Is it because I was with him as Ingrid and not as Camilla?
    I didn’t have much time to process all the questions and emotions coursing through me. I barely just finished slapping my clothes on when he stepped out of the shower, dripping wet, a robe over his muscular form.
    He stared at me momentarily. I would’ve given anything to be able to read his mind at that moment. His face was one big blank.
    My heart broke when he flatly said, “Let’s go. You can wash up back in your room.”
    I thought that was it. I was sure that Aiden thought that everything that had happened between us was just one big mistake, a lapse of judgment on his part. I was certain that it would be the last time something like it would ever happen.
    Thus, I was surprised when in the middle of the night, he arrived in the bedroom I shared with Claudia, bringing with him our nightly ration of animal blood. He handed both Claudia and me our respective containers before uncomfortably shuffling on his feet. I took my container and stared up at him, wondering why he wouldn’t just leave.
    After what had happened, I wasn’t very thrilled to have him around and strange as it was, the idea of drinking blood in front of him felt wrong.
    He must’ve noticed how I was staring at him, so he explained, “I need to speak with you.”
    “Let’s speak then.” I placed the container on my bedside table.
    “You’re not going to drink that ?” he asked.
    I shook my head. “I’m not that hungry…”
    “Very well.” Aiden nodded for me to follow him. Thus, I obliged and followed him out of the bedroom, not knowing what to expect. He

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