A Second Chance (Fated Mate)

A Second Chance (Fated Mate) by Shannon Duane

Book: A Second Chance (Fated Mate) by Shannon Duane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Duane
small patch of hair at the juncture of his thighs. Wait, no. No more thoughts of naked wet Conner. Bad libido.
    “ Um, I really need to pee. Do you think you could close your eyes? I would go to another bathroom, but I don’t know where another one is and the ice tea from lunch is calling.”
    “ Sure you can come in, but didn’t you look around the house? Quinn was supposed to show you around.” He sounded troubled.
    She went into the bathroom and tried not to look, but couldn ’t help it. She took a peek and saw his distorted form in the shower, and even with the frosted glass she could make out his erection. “Some workout I guess.”
    “ Hey, if I can’t look, you can’t either. And what do you expect when I find the woman of my dreams sleeping in my bed.”
    She had just started to pee when his words stopped her and halted the flow of urine for a moment. “What do you mean your room? The master bedroom is down the hall.” She resumed peeing.
    He chuckled, “Yes, I know. I did design this house. I didn’t want to stay in the master bedroom until I found my mate, and then I figured we could move in together.” He sounded embarrassed.
    There Katie was, sitting in the bathroom, on the toilet when she fell in love. This man was amazing. He was so giving and gentle, passionate and supportive. Quinn was right, she didn’t deserve him.
    Still sitting on the toilet pondering her situation, when the shower stall was suddenly flung open. Conner looked at her and sniffed the air. She tried to cover herself but his powerful arms surrounded her. She was lifted up as he pressed an enthusiastic kiss to her open lips. His wet naked body squeezed her tight while backing her up, and brought her into the open shower, fully clothed.
    Katie gasped at the cold water and pulled away from Conner, “What the hell, that’s freezing.”
    He turned and fumbled with the showers controls. She was shivering from the cold, when Conner put her under the warm spray and started to remove her clothes.
    “ Conner, what are you doing? And why in God’s name did you pull me into the shower?” She was trying to sound stern, but with every kiss and lick and touch from him she was becoming aroused.
    “ You love me. Don’t deny it. If you don’t believe it, fine, but let me have this for a little while.” He bent down and pulled her leg up onto the ledge. He was eye level with her sex, it made her briefly uncomfortable. Until he ran his finger over her slit, and inserted a finger into her tight channel. She gasped as he said, “you’re wet for me?”
    She looked at him with impatient eyes, “We’re in the shower, duh, water is wet.”
    Conner inserted another finger into her, causing a mewling sound to escape her. He pumped his fingers into her and ran the pad of his thumb over her swollen clit; then he withdrew his affections altogether.
    She looked down as he said, “if it’s just the water I’ll leave you be then.” He stood to open the door.
    “ Don’t you dare leave me like this!” He looked back at her challenging.
    “ Alright, I’m sorry for being facetious. I am extremely turned on, and I would appreciate it if we could make this an erotic shower.” She chuckled, “Ya know, create our own steam.”
    “ I live to serve,” the words were barely out before his fingers were plunging into her again. He had such large fingers and they made her feel so full. His lips met hers while his other hand found her nipple. Alternating, rubbing a calloused finger over her nipple, and kneading her breast.
    Conner dropped to the shower floor again, took the hand that was playing with her breast, and lifted her leg back to the ledge. He quickly put his hand back to her breast to pluck her nipple as he licked her slit. Katie looked down and saw the water dripping into his hair and down his face. For some reason, his face being in her crotch as water was sliding down his body was so flipping hot.
    Conner suddenly pulled his hand away

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