A Reunion And A Ring (Proposals & Promises Book 1)
her throat. “Hey, yourself.”
    “We got the leaks fixed, I think.”
    She hadn’t even noticed the hammering had stopped. “That’s good. I hope there wasn’t much damage.”
    “I don’t think so, but I’ll have someone out to check it before I rent the place again.”
    “Good idea.”
    “Look, I’m, uh, sorry about earlier. If I sounded...”
    She shook her head quickly and cut in. “It’s fine. Really.”
    His expression rather grim, he nodded. “The guys brought a big box of chocolate-chip cookies that J.T.’s wife made. They look really good. We thought you might like one.”
    “Thank you, but I’m not hungry.”
    “We’re going down to check the road in a little while, after we take a short coffee break.”
    She sat up a bit straighter. “You think I’ll be able to leave soon?”
    “Maybe another hour or so, just to be sure.”
    She glanced at her watch. It was already four o’clock. It wouldn’t yet be fully dark by five, so it should be safe for her to leave.
    “You’ll still have a long drive ahead of you back to Little Rock,” he warned. “It will be late when you get back home.”
    “I could always stop somewhere along the way if I get tired. I’ll be fine.”
    “You’re in quite a hurry to get away, huh?” he said after a moment.
    She shrugged, her eyes trained on her car in the driveway. “It seems best, considering everything. You’ve been a very gracious host and I appreciate it. But if I can get out safely today, I think I should go.”
    He didn’t try to make another argument for her to stay. He would probably be relieved when she was gone, though she couldn’t read any emotions in his expression.
    “Go have your cookies and enjoy your company,” she said. “I’ll just sit out here and read awhile longer.”
    He hesitated only a moment, then nodded. “Let me know if you need anything.”
    “Thanks. I will.”
    He moved back into the cabin and closed the door quietly.
    For the next fifteen minutes, she tried to read, but the book still didn’t hold her attention. Was she ever going to finish it? Did she really want to waste any more of her time with it? For all she knew, everyone’s attention had already moved to another trendy title she would be expected to discuss.
    She heard hearty male laughter coming from inside the cabin and she felt suddenly lonely. Maybe she’d go inside for a little while, after all.
    “Hey, Jenny,” Rob called out, looking up from his chair at the table when she walked in. He shook his shaggy dark hair out of his dark eyes and winked at her. “Come help me. I’m getting stomped over here.”
    She had assumed they were playing poker again, but she saw now that some sort of board game lay in front of them. Approaching them curiously, she laughed in surprise. “Scrabble? Really?”
    “J.T.’s obsessed with the game,” Rob answered with a gusty sigh. “He has to stay in practice because he and his wife bet household chores when they play each other.”
    “Hey, last time she beat me I had to cook dinner every night for two weeks,” J.T. insisted with a laugh. “Well, every night I was home, anyway. I figure if I pick up some new words from you guys, I’ll have an advantage next time I play her.”
    Sprawled in his chair, Gavin looked up from his rack of tiles. “I keep board games here for guests. J.T. dug this one out to play while we finish our coffee and cookies.”
    “Just don’t tell anyone you caught us playing Scrabble and eating cookies instead of high-stakes poker with booze and cigars,” Rob entreated comically.
    “Your secret is safe with me.” She was aware that Avery’s laughter had faded when she’d entered the room, and he seemed to be making a point of not looking at her, but she wouldn’t let him put her on the defensive again.
    She circled round to stand behind Rob and look over the board and his rack. Some of the words on the grid made her raise an eyebrow. Her grandmother would certainly disapprove of

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