A Private Affair

A Private Affair by Donna Hill

Book: A Private Affair by Donna Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Hill
cap. There was no doubt about it—even from where she stood, half a room away, she could tell that Ms. X had a knockout body. And her even-toned, black-beauty skin was working up against a pale peach tailored suit. The girl could definitely dress. As a matter of fact she had a suit almost just like it. Cost a pretty penny, too. She wondered what she did for a living.
    Just then the waitress momentarily broke her line of vision when she brought their food. Looks like they both ordered the same thing—and they’re laughing about it.
    Quinn was turning to say something to the waitress. Nikita ducked between two people seated at the bar. She ordered a Pepsi with lemon. Now what?
    When the waitress moved away, Quinn’s gaze landed on the line of bodies at the bar. He’d know those legs anywhere.
    Since the last time he’d seen her he’d tried to push her to the back of his mind. It hadn’t worked, but he hadn’t called, either. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do about Nikita. Part of him wanted to pursue her, get something going. Another part of him told him to steer clear. They were from two different worlds. But if he was going to start making some changes in his life, maybe Nikita Harrell was the missing ingredient.
    â€œâ€™Scuse me for a minute, Max. I see somebody I know.”
    Watching him thread his way around the press of bodies, she couldn’t imagine who Quinn would know in a place like Rhythms. No one that he hung with would think about crossing 110th Street.
    â€œStill drinkin’ lemon Pepsi?”
    Nikita felt the hairs on the back of her neck begin to tickle. She put her glass down to keep the contents from spilling and slowly angled her head around.
    â€œWell. We meet again,” she said as casually as she could. “How have you been?”
    â€œI’m feelin’ better already. How ’bout you?”
    â€œI’m fine, thanks.”
    â€œYou by yourself?”
    He leaned against the bar so that he faced her. “’Cause if you’re by yourself, I’d invite you to join me and my friend for dinner.” He shrugged. “But if you got plans, no problem.”
    â€œI wouldn’t want to interrupt.”
    He grinned. “If you was interrupting I wouldn’t have asked you.”
    â€œIf you’re sure it’s okay.” Obviously whoever he was with was just a friend. Why else would he invite her to join them?
    â€œYeah, I’m sure. It’s okay. Come on.”
    With her heart pounding a mile a minute, she followed him to his table.
    He grabbed an empty chair from a nearby table and held it out for her.
    â€œMaxine, this is Nikita. Me and Max go way back.”
    â€œHi,” Nikita said, taken by Maxine’s stunning looks up close. “Nice to meet you.”
    Maxine forced a smile. “Same here.” Where did he meet her? Definitely not from the neighborhood. Must be somebody from around here. And from the hungry way he keeps checking her out, he really digs her. Her spirits sank.
    â€œYou wanna order somethin’, Niki? Me and Max are celebratin’.”
    â€œUh, no thanks.” She looked from one to the other and caught the brief look of something akin to jealousy in Maxine’s eyes. “What are you two celebrating?” she said, shaking off the bad vibes that she was getting.
    â€œMax just got her certificate as a travel agent.”
    â€œReally? Congratulations. Are you working at an agency?I’m sure I could send you plenty of business. My friends love to travel.”
    Maxine gave her a saccharine smile. “I’m sure they do. But I’m not with an agency at the moment. I’m planning on opening my own place.” She stabbed her fork into a shrimp and popped it into her mouth.
    â€œThat’s great. Good luck.”
    Maxine popped another shrimp into her mouth. “What do you do?”
    â€œRight now, I’m

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