A Place Beyond

A Place Beyond by Laura Howard

Book: A Place Beyond by Laura Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Howard
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    I kept my eyes forward, skimming my fingers along the green ferns and bushes as we passed. If it was quiet enough, I could hear them sighing in my wake.
    At the top of the second ridge, we looked down on the valley where a river wound through the foothills like a sparkling blue ribbon. We climbed down the hill silently. Even though our situation was just as perilous as always, it was impossible not to be enchanted by the beauty around us.
    Aodhan crossed the river a few yards ahead. The rocks and stones fit together to form a bridge wide enough for us to walk over.
    By the time we got to the stone staircase leading up the mountain, my thoughts had turned sour again. What was Aoife doing? Would I regret my choice?
    Aodhan opened the heavy wooden door at the top of the stairs, letting us all pass through before him. Niamh and Saoirse waited for us in the enormous entrance. The ceiling was three stories high, with stairs leading to balconies spanning the entire room.
    Saoirse held her arms out in welcome. The tension in my chest disappeared and I moved toward her without any hesitation. She wrapped her arms around me and for a moment I imagined she was my own mother greeting me after a long time apart.
    “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Allison,” she said in her musical voice.
    I straightened and smiled at her, feeling like a toddler gazing into his mother’s eyes. Warm relief passed through me. Things would be better now, no one else would suffer on my account.
    Aodhan cleared his throat and Saoirse kept her hand on my shoulder as I turned to see a strange look of impatience in his eyes.
    “We’ve come with distressing news, Mother,” Niamh said, her words tumbling out.
    Saoirse tilted her head. “Oh?”
    Niamh’s brow furrowed, and a moment passed where they looked into each other’s eyes, communicating silently.
    “I see,” Saoirse said, her voice low with just a hint of irritation.
    “This situation has come to a head, Saoirse. We can’t pretend it will work itself out any longer. Aoife must be stopped,” Aodhan said, his voice tight. The lines around his eyes were tense. He was barely keeping himself under control.
    “You’re right, Aodhan,” Saoirse said, clasping her hands in front of her body. “I’ve put it off much too long. My hope for peace has blinded me.”
    Once Saoirse released me, Ethan came to my side, grasping my hand. His gentle touch reminded me where I was and to be careful who I trusted.
    “I’ve been guilty of the same, Mother. Aoife is my sister and I let my loyalty get in the way of what is right.”
    Aodhan looked at Niamh and before he smoothed his features, I saw a brief flicker of tenderness in his eyes. Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so easy to keep those two apart.
    “My visions have been troubling these past few days,” Saoirse said, turning slowly. We followed her deeper into the gathering room. A small group of Danaans lounged in the sitting area, but cleared the room with a signal from the queen. She sat in the center of the sitting area and waved us in.
    “Niamh said you’ve seen Aoife growing ill?” I said.
    Saoirse sighed and nodded. “Yes, this is true. I’ve only heard tales of the effects of Old Magic. But the iron from human blood is toxic to us. A small amount won’t do any damage over time. Unfortunately, what Aoife has been doing requires a substantial amount.”
    “How does she get all that blood into Tír na n’Óg if I was zapped for the tiny pendant I was wearing?”
    “Most portals are made to repel iron. Aoife appears to have grown strong enough to create her own portals. The pendant she had you wearing was made of fháillan, but it was infused with magic conjured using human blood,” Niamh said.
    “Oh, okay,” I said. “Liam told me fháillan is an iron repellant.”
    “Yes, but fháillan is also a magical conduit,” Niamh said. “It can be used to attract unlimited amounts of magic from the blood of both humans and Danaan.

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