A Perfect Holiday Fling
way. Eventually.”
    She tilted her head, looking at the little boy as he continued to inspect the trees. She’d sensed that familiar sadness in him, and knew from experience that it was something he would carry for a long time.
    “It’s still new to him,” Callie said. “Still too raw. But he’ll eventually be okay, too.”
    “I like this one, Uncle Stefan!” Jacob stood next to a huge Douglas fir that had to tower at least seven feet.
    “I should have known he’d pick the biggest one on the lot,” Stefan said.
    “Go big or go home,” Callie laughed.
    Because there was no way they could fit a second tree on the car, they decided to return to the lot tomorrow to pick out one for Callie. While they waited for one of the lot attendants to tie the massive tree to the roof of the Jeep, Stefan determined that they would need to make a trip to the outlet mall after all, anticipating that the one box of ornaments they had wouldn’t fill up half of the tree.
    Callie’s first thought was to turn down Stefan’s invitation to stay and help decorate the tree. In her mind, this thing between them was still classified as a fling, and trimming a Christmas tree while they sang carols was much too cozy for her peace of mind. But when Callie pitted it against what was awaiting her at home—reruns of TV dramas on her DVR—the decision wasn’t a hard one to make.
    Stefan brought in mugs of hot chocolate, handing one to her while she hung a red and green star-shaped ornament on one of the higher tree limbs that Jacob couldn’t reach. It took them nearly an hour to adorn the massive tree with the dozens of ornaments, tinsel and beaded garland, but when Jacob ran to turn the lights off in the living room, and Stefan did the honors of flipping the switch on the tree lights, it was all worth it.
    The twinkling lights and rich pine scent suffusing the air reminded Callie of what Christmas was all about.
    Family. Togetherness. Hope.
    There was so much to love about this time of year. So much of it she’d learned from the people around her, the people who had nurtured her, who’d held her hand during the darkest hours of her life.
    As she stared at the tree, an overwhelming sense of loss washed over her—not for what she had lost already, but what she stood to lose if she decided to leave this town that meant so much to her.
    “Not bad for a night’s work,” Stefan said.
    Callie furtively wiped her cheeks, and pasted on a smile. “It’s gorgeous.”
    He pulled her into his arms, wrapping them around her waist and splaying his hands over her stomach. Callie’s bones melted at the feel of his solid chest against her back.
    They stood there staring at the glittering tree for several minutes, until Stefan pointed to the sofa. “I guess the excitement was too much for him,” he whispered against her temple.
    Jacob lay curled up with Sandy against his chest, his soft snore bringing a smile to Callie’s lips.
    As Stefan scooped him up, Callie nestled onto the couch with Sandy in her lap. She rubbed her hand along the cat’s soft coat, loving the feel of her soft fur. She’d toyed with the idea of getting another pet off and on after Adrian took Atticus, but something had stopped her each time. No, not just something . Callie knew exactly why she’d resisted the temptation of bringing another pet into her home, into her heart.
    She couldn’t afford to get attached to another thing that would eventually leave her. She’d been through it too many times. Her parents, Huck, her husband, her beloved Atticus. The heartbreak varied in degrees, but it was always there, waiting to be unleashed with a phone call from the state police, or red taillights pulling out of the driveway, heading east to Atlanta.
    She just didn’t want to face another loss.
    Callie thought about the temptation she hadn’t resisted, the one whose footsteps she could hear padding down the stairs at this very moment. The one who’s departure was

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