A New York Love Story

A New York Love Story by Cassie Rocca

Book: A New York Love Story by Cassie Rocca Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassie Rocca
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boredom than a deep and lasting affection. In the beginning it seemed that we had a few things in common. At least we both had the same career that brought us together in an environment like Hollywood. But then I realized she was only using me and my fame to further her own career – to become known more as a star than as a mediocre actress.”
    â€œWell, it looks like she has succeeded with all the trouble she’s been creating…” Clover observed.
    â€œYes, and I hope it will keep her warm at night!”
    â€œSo, you aren’t suffering for her any more?”
    â€œSuffering?” Cade shook his head. “You can only suffer when you still have feelings. This is not the case. Alice is definitely attractive, and at the beginning she was also somehow stimulating… but I soon understood that she didn’t have any real love for me, beyond my movie star image. I probably just did what men do sometimes – I went with the flow – kind of passive, right? Now she has made me look ridiculous in front of half of America, and she’s trying to play the victim with a broken heart. Too late, baby.”
    â€œHa! She’ll probably end up like your cheerleader, but even fatter and marrying an asshole!” Clover said, making him laugh.
    â€œToo bad for the husband!”
    â€œOk, now to work. Who shall we start with?”
    â€œMy father. He’s the hard one.”
    After about three hours, Clover felt that she had a complete history – down to the smallest details – of the Harrison family. They started with Cade’s father, William. Clover learned about the loving relationship he had with his blonde and ethereal wife, Grace. She heard how Grace’s abundant energy and determination helped to soften the rather sharp edges of her husband’s difficult character. They had four children. Cade, who was the eldest; then Jake, now a successful writer; Heather, an interior designer, and Cecile, who was still in college.
    Cade had talked at length about each one of them. He knew their personalities well, but – by the end of the afternoon – they still hadn’t bought anything yet. Clover was surprised: he seemed to know his family’s taste and desires, and in similar situations she would have already accomplished everything in a couple of hours.
    â€œI thought it would be easy, but it looks like it’s going to take me some more time and work to find the right thing for everyone in your family…” she said, while they were walking through Central Park.
    â€œThis time I really want their gifts to be special!” Cade walked head down. “But it felt like you had some very good ideas…”
    â€œApparently, not that many! We have been in so many shops and we’re still empty-handed,” Clover clarified. “You’ve moved away from giving them anonymous checks to being way too picky… nothing seems exactly right. You’re a perfectionist!”
    â€œAha! Maybe it’s your fault. You’re the one who introduced me to the
of Christmas, and now I’m obsessed with the idea of buying the right gifts.” He put an arm around her shoulders, looking at her sweetly.
    To avoid a panic attack, Clover slipped away and pointed at a café. “Would you like a
cup of heaven
    â€œI don’t know… what is it?”
    â€œYou’ll see.”
    The interior of the café was pleasantly warm, but Clover preferred to sit outdoors, on a protected terrace with a view of one of the lakes in Central Park.
    â€œI always tell myself I should rent a boat and have a picnic on the lake; but I always end up here during the winter, when the lake is almost iced over!” Clover was sipping her hot chocolate with a pile of whipped cream on top.
    â€œNone of your boyfriends has ever brought you here for a romantic boat tour?”
    Clover choked. “Pleeasee! Who would do something

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