A New Year's Surprise

A New Year's Surprise by Violette Dubrinsky Page B

Book: A New Year's Surprise by Violette Dubrinsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violette Dubrinsky
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Science/Math nerd who currently was doing research on a cure for cancer, and had graduated summa cum laude from their prestigious college. It wasn’t so much her background that made Catherine Harrison dislike Zaire, but the fact that despite her education, Catherine could “still see the hood inside of her.”
    “I don’t know,” Kat replied softly. She wanted to trust her husband, to go into the apartment building confident in her knowledge that Damien would never cheat on her, but she wasn’t sure. They hadn’t had sex in six months. The first six weeks, Kat had ‘helped’ her husband with her hands and mouth. After her six week checkup, the doctor had given his approval for anything her body could handle, but that had also been the beginning of the arguments. Her mother and Damien’s mother were like two lionesses clashing over the right way to raise Sophia, and with their constant bickering, she and Damien had grown frustrated and eventually angry at each other for taking sides.
    Damien’s work as the Vice President of Mergers and Acquisitions of his father’s company started keeping him longer and longer. Kat’s own mother, the poster-child for all things proper and bourgeois as the socialite married to the retired judge now seeking public office, had felt compelled to tell her daughter that if a man isn’t getting it at home, he’s getting it elsewhere. After two months of their parents, both had agreed to raise their child without the added help.  Even with the two matriarchs gone, Damien had seemed more distant.
    “There’s only one way to find out for good, sweetie,” Princess said from the backseat. “Let’s go inside, knock on the door and see what’s going on. It’s probably nothing, but at least then you’ll know for sure, and y’all can take it from there.”
    “And if we do go in there, and it is something,” Zaire began, instantly adding, “Not saying that it is, just in case, it’s not the end of the world, okay?”
    There was a loud sound of the kissing of teeth from the backseat but Princess said nothing.
    “Kat, tell me when you’re ready,” Zaire continued, completely ignoring Princess.
    Ready? Kat almost laughed. She hadn’t been ready when Zaire pulled up to take her from her penthouse apartment in the city out to some Long Island complex that possibly housed her husband’s mistress. In fact, she’d never be ready for that, so she had to settle for willing. She was willing to find out, because no matter what her heart said, she couldn’t stay with a man who would do this to her. Not when she’d given her all of her love, and had brought forth that love in the form of the most precious child. No. If Damien Rochester was cheating on her, it was over. She’d take her child, and move on. Her parents had once warned her of this, stating that the difference in their races and cultures would eventually lead to the destruction of their marriage, but she’d ignored them. Now, she wanted Damien to prove them wrong again, but still, she prepared herself for disappointment.
    Removing her hands from her face, she wiped at her wet cheeks and said, “I’m ready.”
    Zaire punched in some digits on her phone. “Angie, hey girl, it’s Zaire. We’re outside. Can you let us in? Yeah, thanks.”

Chapter 2
    The apartment complex was straight out of a Home and Garden Modern Luxury Apartments special. From the moment Angie let them in, Kat knew it rivaled the one she occupied in the city, which catered to a more conservative clientele. A security guard sat behind a mahogany desk staring at them, and the entrance and walkways were brightly lit with wall lamps and overhead chandeliers. Numerous cameras, all encased in black domes, looked down at them from their perch against the yellow-beige walls. Kat couldn’t help but wonder how many times these cameras had caught her husband walking into the building to visit this woman.
    Angela “Angie” Kenmore was Zaire’s friend. She’d

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