A New Year's Surprise

A New Year's Surprise by Violette Dubrinsky Page A

Book: A New Year's Surprise by Violette Dubrinsky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violette Dubrinsky
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hadn’t wanted to face the possibility that her husband was cheating.  She hadn’t wanted to go there...that place of no return.
    “Never mind the Christmas season and Jesus getting up on the cross and dying for adulterers everywhere, this asshole been up here at all sorts of times, even Christmas Eve!” Pausing Zaire was about to turn around again when she decided to add a parting shot, “And call me bitter again Curtis , we’ll see who the real bitch is up in this car!”
    “Oh, sweetie , we all know the only bitch up in here is you. I am not trying to get all this pretty scratched up for that title.”
    “Stop! Can you two just stop for one goddamn night?” Kat placed her head in her hands. God, she felt lightheaded. “My life’s about to fall apart and all you two can do is bicker about who’s the baddest bitch in this stupid car!”
    She felt two sets of comforting hands on her shoulders.
    “Sorry,” they both chimed, one after the other. Kat would have smiled if she could have found an ounce of happy in her body. Zaire and Princess, though her two best friends, were always at each others’ throats, especially after the incident with Zaire and Gavin. Their mutual ceasefire was soon ignored as her thoughts went back to Damien.
    Why—how could he do this to her? To their family?
    She knew she’d gained weight with the pregnancy and was no longer her usual 5’7 at 140 pounds, but Damien hadn’t seemed to have a problem with it. Hell, she’d asked him, revealing one of her insecurities almost as soon as they were home from the hospital, and he’d assured her that he liked the extra weight. And then there was the no sex thing. The doctor had advised no sex for at least the first six weeks until her post-natal checkup.
    Kat had been glad. She wasn’t feeling sexy anyway and God had she been sore. But as the weeks passed on, she’d begun to feel guilty. Damien had always been sexual. He’d taught her all the pleasures to be found between a man, a woman and an occasional toy. Every day, sometimes twice or more and barring forces of nature, Damien could be found inside her.  She knew he was hurting from the lack of sex. Sometimes, late at night she’d hear him in their private bathroom…
    It also didn’t help that her husband looked like he belonged in Hollywood with his tall, athletic frame, long, straight lashes that fell around pale blue eyes, strong masculine jaw, and thin, harsh lips that when smiling, could melt even the iciest of hearts. Almost every time they went out together, even with Sophia, holding hands and looking like a family, some desperate, but extremely attractive woman always managed to make her way to them, introduce herself to Damien, and have to be checked by Kat or Damien that she was intruding on a family outing. It had gotten so ridiculous that Kat, by nature a calm, non-violent person, had almost snatched up one particular woman who’d gone so far as to refer to her as the baby nurse and ask what had happened to his wife. An irritated Damien had sent the woman scurrying as he held his child with one hand and restrained his wife with the other. Later, he’d confided that her reaction had turned him on and it had been Kat’s turn to be frustrated with the no-sex thing. That had been when Damien had still wanted her...
    “Kat, what do you want to do?” Zaire’s voice was low, her hand tightening on Kat’s shoulder in a way meant to give more comfort. Kat knew that whatever she said, her friend would be ready for it. She and Zaire had been friends since middle school, though Kat’s mother had never approved.
    Zaire was from the hood, the daughter of a crackhead and a deadbeat father she’d never known. Through her smarts, she had managed to find her way into the elite St. Francis Preparatory for the children of rich folk. Though one could ever tell from her dress or how she spoke, Zaire had tested 170 on an IQ test when they were freshmen in high school, was a

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