correctly. If she should apply more or less pressure.
Camden’s lips claimed hers, and all thoughts fled.
His mouth brushed hers—once, twice—before he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his lap. His mouth sought hers again, this time without hesitation. His tongue traced the seam of her lips, but when she parted them, he didn’t plunder roughly. Instead, he continued to explore the soft flesh of her lips, awakening every nerve ending. Sensitizing the skin to the point that when he gently raked his teeth across her bottom lip, a moan rasped from her throat.
She threaded her fingers through the short strands of his dark hair, struggling not to shift wantonly in his lap and reveal the extent of the tension between her legs. But the tighter she held herself, the closer it brought her to the brink of release.
She’d spent many hours imagining kissing Camden when she was a young girl. And perhaps a few more since she’d met him again yesterday.
Her imagination needed some serious work.
Her back arched as his hand slipped down her spine. He kissed the way he solved his proofs: slow, intense, thorough. He didn’t move on until every sensation had been fully explored. Until every pleasure had been magnified.
As his tongue twisted with hers, she could no longer keep her hips still. She shifted against him, pressing closer.
They both froze when her hip brushed against the evidence of his arousal. Wild passion glittered in Camden’s eyes, so different from his normal methodical analysis. His chest heaved against hers.
Not once had she thought the kiss awkward. Not for a moment had she even had time to think or analyze her actions. She’d simply been swept away.
Camden’s finger traced back and forth across her lower lip. “You’ve been wanting to try that?”
She licked the tip of his finger as it crossed the middle of her lip. “I had to know if I was capable.”
Her backside hit the seat with a thump as Camden removed her from his lap. The heat in his eyes cooled. “Why did you kiss me? Because you wanted to kiss me or because you had something to prove to yourself?”
She knew she’d offended him, but she owed him the truth. “Both.”
Camden crossed his arms across his chest. “I find myself less than flattered, but what was your conclusion?”
“That I should have been braver and ambushed you in the corridor of my parents’ house all those years ago.”
His arms unfolded. “That would have been awkward. I, no doubt, would have been terribly intrigued and yet helpless to do a thing in return. You were far too young.”
“Only by six years. You noticed me?”
“Your brother once asked me why my lectures were so much better on some days than others. I’ll admit my vanity pushed me to try harder when I suspected you were listening.”
Heat filled her cheeks. She wanted to ask if he’d gotten the letter confessing her girlish feelings, but what did she expect him to say? He obviously hadn’t cared enough to respond then. Did she truly want to know if that had changed?
“So what were you trying to prove?” Camden asked, following the line of her jaw with his thumb.
The warmth in her cheeks turned to a raging inferno. “My husband said I”—she cleared her throat—“lacked passion.”
Camden swore, but then his expression softened. “I hope you no longer believe that.”
His eyes darkened. “If you have anything else you’d like to prove, I hereby offer my services.”
He was flirting. Some of her shock must have shown because he dragged his hand over his eyes. “I apologize if that wasn’t appropriate. I realize you are still in mourning. I do better with numbers than people.”
“I do not mourn him.”
“No, but I doubt you are looking for someone to take his place yet.”
In her bed or in her heart? Which position was he considering? Both? “I kissed you, if you recall.”
“Did you intend for it to go beyond the single kiss?” He
Susan King Justine Dare Mary Jo Putney Jill Barnett
Clare Jayne
Charlotte Hubbard
Siobhan Rowden
Robert Jordan
Valerie Bowman
Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews
Johnny B. Truant
Debra Holland
Heather Webber