A Minute on the Lips

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Book: A Minute on the Lips by Cheryl Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Harper
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board” in the nice, cool office. Andi wanted to make air quotes every time Tammy mentioned the strategy board, but she would not have appreciated that. As she was Andi’s one and only full-time campaign worker, Andi needed to keep her happy.
    “I’m not sure a debate’s a good idea, Tammy. Besides, how would we get people to turn out?”
    Andi desperately wanted a big, tall glass of sweet tea. Her caffeine levels were running dangerously low after a morning in the beauty shop and the unplanned photo shoot. She carefully sneaked a look at her watch. Jackie’s lunch crowd would be long gone by now. Andi would have to put up with his questions, but she could also get a nice, cool drink and something for lunch. And she would happily buy Tammy’s lunch. If she’d only let Andi get the invitation out.
    “Listen, I’ve got a plan. We’re going to get one of the groups from town to play in front of the courthouse to draw a crowd. Your boyfriend, Mark, can moderate and also do some advance promotion. We’ll set up podiums on the stage and spend thirty minutes talking about the issues.”
    Andi still didn’t think it was a good idea. Public speaking didn’t terrify her but it didn’t please her, either. Tammy had no doubts. Finally, Andi wrapped one arm around her grumbling stomach and said, “All right. You set it up with Mark and Ray, and I’ll be there.”
    Tammy clapped her hands. “I can do it. We’ll go through a little practice beforehand to be sure you’re ready.”
    “Maybe,” Andi replied. She was quiet and they both laughed when her stomach rumbled loudly enough to get attention. “If I don’t eat soon, I’m going to lose my laid-back personality.”
    Tammy snorted. “Right. Well, we wouldn’t want that.”
    They had done enough for one day. Tammy had outlined the basics of the “media plan,” and since it consisted of yard signs, a billboard, a few postcards and several ads in the newspaper, Andi couldn’t see much to change. They’d done practically the same thing for the last election. And Tammy had everything ready to go because they were on a deadline. The new photo was an unexpected bonus that made Tammy’s eyes sparkle when she talked about it. The billboard was a new idea and Andi wasn’t sure how she’d feel seeing her name that big, but she trusted Tammy’s instincts.
    “Let’s walk over to the Country Kitchen. I’ll drop the strategy board in my car on the way.” Tammy picked it up but paused in the doorway. “I guess Jackie’ll eventually let you eat in peace?”
    Andi shrugged. “We’ve got to give it a try.”
    Jackie made a beeline for Andi as soon as her right foot cleared his threshold. He dropped two menus on the table and yelled over his shoulder, “Two sweet teas, Oscar.” Then he turned his laser focus back to Andi and said, “Any news, Sheriff?” His eyes narrowed as he studied her face, as if he knew something was different but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
    Andi shook her head, enjoying the swish of her now-shorter ponytail, and sighed with happiness as Oscar magically appeared and set the glasses down on the table. Before they left her office, Andi had pulled her curls back up into a ponytail as required by both the heat and her need for authority. “Not yet, Jackie, but a list of anyone who might have a personal reason to steal from you—something other than taking the cash you have on hand—could help. Also, can you tell me who else has a key to the restaurant?”
    “Only people with a key are me and Mona, but I can make you a list. What’ll you have for lunch?” Jackie asked. He looked a little anxious and a little ticked off.
    Andi didn’t open the menu. She didn’t need to. “Club sandwich and chips, please.”
    “Make it two, Jackie,” Tammy added.
    “How’s Mona doing?” Andi asked.
    “As good as anybody can be with a burglar on the loose. Sure hope you’ll fix that quick.” He snatched both menus and went back into

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