A Marine’s Proposal

A Marine’s Proposal by Lisa Carlisle

Book: A Marine’s Proposal by Lisa Carlisle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Carlisle
resist?” She tossed an arm to the side.
    “Me, too,” Slade said with relief in his voice.
    “It's been too long since you've been with a guy?” Caitlyn teased, narrowing her eyes at him.
    “Shut it, O'Neill.” He picked up a pillow and tossed it at her. “You know what I meant.”
    Caitlyn laughed.
    “Throw on some clothes and let's get out of here.”
    “Where are we going?”
    He glanced at the bed. “Anywhere but here. How about breakfast?”
    Slade was quiet for several minutes while they ate breakfast at the hotel downstairs. But when he noticed her unusual lack of appetite, he asked, “What's wrong? You've barely eaten your eggs.”
    Caitlyn's mind was on other things besides what was on her plate. “Still full from dinner last night, I guess.”
    “You didn't burn it all off from the dancing and…” His voice trailed off and he stared down at his plate, leaving Caitlyn to finish his sentence in her mind. Sure they must have burned off quite a meal during their many sexual encounters during the night. Her face burned.
    Caitlyn scanned the diners in the restaurant around them and noticed the abundance of couples and small families. To the outside world, they might appear to be a couple, but it was nothing but a sham. This whole marriage idea was a sham and however she had idealized it in her mind, the reality that Slade regretted their one and only night together hit her with a blow harder than any of the challenges she'd faced in her Marine Corps career to date.
    “Listen, Slade, I'm sure you have the day planned out and all, but do you mind if I go off on my own today?”
    He had taken a sip of coffee, but froze as he appraised her from over the mug.
    “What's up?”
    I'm feeling like an utter jackass , she thought. I’m confused about what the hell happened and how I feel about it.
    “I just need a breather. The past day—and night—has been intense. I figure I'd go lose myself shopping or something.”
    Slade put down his coffee mug slowly and stared at it as if it was a fragile piece of glass he had to take care of. Then he caught her eye. She quickly looked away, not wanting him to see through her with that penetrating gaze that would disarm her right now.
    “Sure. I get it,” he said. “You're right. I have my snorkeling gear in my trunk. I'll keep myself busy.”
    “I'm sure you will.” She smiled with relief. “Thanks.” Although she would love nothing more than to spend the day exploring Okinawa with Slade, even if it involved snorkeling, she needed some space. Maybe a walk along the East China Sea would do her good.
    “Do you want to get together for dinner later?” he asked while eying her as if she was a caged tiger.
    Slade trudged down the beach to where the concierge had told him was a good snorkeling spot. He had barraged the concierge with questions about the beach and the conditions down to minute detail about the type of fish he was likely to see. The concierge patiently answered the ceaseless questions until Slade finally ran out of them. That's when his mind was flooded with what he was trying not to think about. Caitlyn.
    He toed the clear water, which greeted him with a sharp coolness initially. Then he put on the flippers and waded in deeper. After he submerged himself fully, the cold slipped away to provide a more welcoming warmth.
    How could he have slept with Caitlyn?
    Not that he hadn't wanted to since he met her, but it wasn't fair to her. The second she let her guard down, he pounced on her like any other horny guy.
    Some friend he was. A great way to blow his plan for them moving in together.
    He trudged deeper into the water while memories flooded him. He thought to when they first met back in training. He noticed her right away—what male wouldn’t notice a hot woman in the group—but he kept his distance, not wanting to be yet another guy pursuing her. To his surprise, Caitlyn came up to him while they cooled down from their

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