A Lover's Vow

A Lover's Vow by Brenda Jackson

Book: A Lover's Vow by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
    â€œOr sheltered.” Sheppard Granger paused a moment before saying, “The reason I called you here is about keeping them safe. I understand there was a meeting last night.”
    â€œSo I heard, since I wasn’t invited. I spoke to Shana briefly this morning, but it was my younger daughter, Jules, who filled me in on most of it.”
    â€œYour younger daughter was there?”
    â€œYes. In fact, she’s the one who spotted that guy following Dalton. She was parked across the street, waiting for him to come home last night.”
    Ben chuckled softly. “Trust me. It’s not what you think.”
    â€œIt’s not?” Sheppard asked with eyes that didn’t hide his interest.
    â€œNo. In fact, I’m convinced she hates Dalton’s guts...probably just as much as he hates hers. Their first meeting some months back left a very negative and lasting impression on both of them. The only reason she was there was to confront him about his refusal to attend Shana’s first dinner party this Saturday night.”
    Sheppard frowned. “Why wouldn’t he attend?”
    â€œBecause he knew Jules would be there. It’s a long and taxing story. So let’s just say we have two kids who love each other, and then there are two who can’t stand the ground the other walks on.”
    Sheppard didn’t say anything for a moment. “I assume you know about the bodyguards I hired to protect my sons.”
    â€œYes, and I’m sure you know they aren’t thrilled about it.”
    â€œSo I gather. My warden gave me a message that they called. By then, I had already spoken to my attorney, and she’d given me the details. They are waiting for me to return their call, but I wanted to talk to you first. Get some advice.”
    Ben lifted a brow. “Advice? Shouldn’t you consult your attorney for that?”
    â€œNot for this. I need the advice of an ex-cop, one who was honored as Policeman of the Year four times. And one who would have had a great career as a detective if he hadn’t put his daughters first and resign after a couple of years to go back to being a cop to spend more time at home with them.”
    At the widening of Ben’s eyes, Sheppard smiled. “My son was marrying your daughter, so I did some research of my own.”
    Ben laughed. “Fair enough. So why am I here?”
    At that moment the prison guard Ben remembered from the last visit, Ambrose, crossed the room and handed Sheppard a piece of paper. He took it and glanced at it before handing it to Ben. “This is the reason for the bodyguards. I know I didn’t kill my wife, but someone else did. And that someone doesn’t like the thought of my leaving here anytime soon.”
    Ben glanced down at the paper and read it. It was an email that had been sent to Sheppard. He didn’t like the words. He didn’t like the tone and he sure as hell didn’t like the blatant threat.
    Granger. You don’t know me, but I know you. If I were you, I would make sure your sons don’t get it into their heads to prove your innocence. Something tragic could happen.
    Ben lifted his gaze. “Have you shown this to the prison officials?”
    â€œYes, Warren Smallwood is aware of it. My attorney was able to trace it to a public computer in the Wesconnett Library.”
    Ben nodded. Wesconnett was a community on the outskirts of Charlottesville.
    â€œI never wanted them to find out about that email.”
    Ben shrugged. “So now they have, and according to Jules, threat or no threat, they intended to fight to have your case reopened.”
    â€œI can’t let them do that.”
    â€œNot sure you can stop them.”
    â€œI must. They have more than just themselves to think about. Jace and Caden now have wives and we—you and I—have a grandbaby on the way. I don’t know who or what I’m dealing with here, Ben.

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