A Love Untamed

A Love Untamed by Pamela Palmer Page B

Book: A Love Untamed by Pamela Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Palmer
But maybe it was. Or maybe my fox just felt like a dip in the water.”
    Jag let out a noisy sigh. “Yeah.” He looked at his wife. “What do you think, Red?”
    Olivia frowned. “Clearly the warding is screwing with us. I say we follow Fox.” Olivia crossed her arms, her gaze worried and frustrated. “We have to find a way through this.”
    â€œWe’ll find Kara,” Fox assured her, though how, when they couldn’t even find their way across the mountain, was anyone’s guess.
    â€œYou take the lead this time, Foxy.” Jag grunted. “Let’s hope you have better luck than I did.”
    Fox nodded, his heart rate jumping. It was up to him, now. He sure as hell hoped he didn’t get them completely lost.
    Or captured by the Mage.

Chapter Six
    W ulfe stared in disbelief at the now-all-too-familiar rock formation, a pair of rocks sitting at an angle he’d thought interesting the first time he saw it. This was now the third. Dammit!
    At the roar rumbling out of Lyon’s throat, he knew his chief had seen it, too. The sound, more animal than man, raised the hair on the back of Wulfe’s neck. It was a roar filled with a pain and fury no man should suffer, especially one as fine as the Chief of the Ferals.
    This mountain was messing with them big-time. They’d picked up Estevan’s scent without too much trouble, but it just kept circling back to this rock even when they felt certain they were traveling in a different direction. Twice now!
    Lyon went feral, his eyes turning to cat eyes, his fangs and claws sprouting. He turned on Ariana even as Kougar stepped between them.
    â€œFind. The. Way,” Lyon growled.
    Ariana met that dangerous, furious visage without an ounce of fear. Instead, she shook her dark head with mounting frustration. “I can’t, Lyon. I can’t sense the way through this mountain’s magic any better than you can. You know I’d take you to her if I could. You know that.”
    Lyon dipped his head and swung away, his body radiating barely contained rage as he lifted a small boulder and threw it as hard as he could, taking down two pines with a pair of echoing snaps.
    Wulfe ached for his friend. They were all desperate to find Kara. They loved her, every damned one of them. And the bastard Mage, probably Inir himself, had her.
    â€œWhy can’t I sense her?” Lyon released a roar of such anguish, such rage, Wulfe felt gut-punched.
    If only they knew. Lyon was the Finder, the one Feral among them all capable of tracking down the Radiant, even if he weren’t mated to her. If Kara died, goddess forbid, it would be Lyon who would have to search out her replacement if she didn’t come forward on her own.
    He physically hurt for his old friend. Lyon wouldn’t be right again, nothing would be right again, until Kara was once more safely back at Feral House.
    Wulfe felt an echoing ache at his own empty arms and was ashamed to admit it wasn’t for his dead mate, Beatrice, but for another. For Natalie, a woman who’d never been his and never would be. A woman he didn’t even want to be his, not really. She was human. And he . . . He wasn’t fit to be any woman’s mate.
    The Ilina, Brielle, fell into step beside him, surprising him. Few women ever came to him freely, most too put off by the riot of scars that crisscrossed his face.
    â€œWho is she?” Brielle asked quietly, soft understanding in her eyes.
    â€œWho is who?” he growled, nonplussed when she didn’t mist away in fright.
    Brielle didn’t so much as blink. “The woman who lives in your eyes.”
    It was tempting to tell her that she was mistaken. Or that it was none of her business. Instead, he found himself answering. “She’s human. Marrying another.”
    â€œWhy what?”
    â€œWhy is she marrying another when you’re in love with her?”

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