
A_Little_Harmless_Fascination by Melissa Schroeder Page A

Book: A_Little_Harmless_Fascination by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
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looking at her like he knew what she looked like
naked. She couldn’t remember her last name.
    "Issue?" she asked as she turned around and
started to fuss with the drinks.
    "With writing."
    "Oh, the family crap. I’m sure it has driven me over
the edge."
    But even to her own ears it didn't sound believable.
    "Really?" He didn't sound like he was buying her
excuse. She wasn't buying it, so there was a good chance he wasn't either. He
stepped behind her, resting his hands on the counter in front of her. He wasn't
touching her, but he surrounded her. She felt the heat of his body, could smell
the clean, crisp scent she always associated with him.
    "Put the glasses down, Jillian."
    He hadn't raised his voice. If anything, it lowered,
deepening over the vowels. It sent another jolt of lust spiraling through her.
Heat danced over her nerve endings.
    "Do it."
    For a second, she gripped the glasses tighter. She knew what
he was asking. Part of her rebelled against the idea of doing what he ordered.
Still, there was a part of her that wanted to do it, to please him. It scared
her a bit—a lot. But she did as he ordered and set the glasses down.
    "Put your hands on the counter for me."
    Again, he didn’t raise his voice. There was a thread of lust
in his tone now, one she had heard last night when he called her. Without a
thought, she did as he commanded. It was as if she couldn’t think for herself,
didn’t want to. Her body was throbbing and he hadn't even touched her yet.
    He inched in behind her, his chest against her back, his
groin against her ass. His cock was hard, but he did nothing more than lean
against her. The restraint was a power play. She understood that, and dammit, she
responded to it. Her heart was racing, and she felt her body temperature soar.
He covered her hands with his. When he spoke next, she felt his breath against
her ear.
    "You have two choices right now. You can tell me no and
send me on my way. I will accept that. I won't be very happy because I have a
need for you that is about to kill me, but I will accept that."
    He would. She knew without a doubt he would walk away and
allow her space. That made her want him even more.
    "The second option?"
    "I take you in your room and show you exactly what
you're missing in the bedroom. You are a sub down to your toes, Jillian."
    She straightened, and he chuckled.
    "That doesn't mean anything against you—and you know
that. It doesn't mean you aren't a strong woman. In fact, some of the strongest
women I know are subs. What it means is you need something in the bedroom other
men haven't been giving you. Considering what you write and how smart you are,
you have to know that you’re missing something.”
    She knew that, knew it in her heart. Every time she slept
with a man, she was satisfied to a point. There was always something missing in
the relationship. Was it this?
    "So, tell me, Jillian, which one do you want? Do you
want me to stay or leave? Understand, if I stay, you will go in that room and
be under my control."
    She swallowed. She knew what she wanted, what she yearned
for. The kiss the night before had told her that, had let her know just what
she was missing. His quiet control of things always set her off. He’d turned her
on with the order last night on the phone more than any man who’d touched her.
    "Jillian, tell me now or I will think you don't want
    It would tangle them up good, and not just in bed. Her good
sense told her to ignore the need he built in her, but she had never been
really good at ignoring her needs. She sighed.

Chapter Eight
    Conner's heart was thudding so loudly, he was sure Jillian
could hear it. He hadn’t planned on this when he had stopped by. He had
expected to just say “hey,” and head out. That had been the plan. He didn’t
know where he had planned to go, but he had needed to get away. She might have
shown some interest the night before, but Conner wanted to make sure she’d

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