A Life Worth Living

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Authors: Irene Brand
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    “I don’t have to be ordered out twice. I’m through with you—you’re no longer a daughter of mine.” Swearing, he gave Allen a shove as he left the office.
    The woebegone look on Dora’s face pierced Allen to the quick, and he went to her quickly and drew her into a tight embrace. “Dearest, he didn’t mean all of those things. I don’t know what’s wrong with the man. Perhaps he’s mentally ill.”
    Dora put her arms around Allen’s waist and sobbed. She was trembling all over, and he was so angry he prayed silently for God to forgive his negative thoughts about Mr. Porter.
    “Right now I’m so unhappy—disillusioned or something—that I don’t want to do anything. I don’t care what happens to the mill. I suppose it boils down to the fact that I just want someone to love me. I can’t remember a mother’s love, and obviously my father doesn’t love me.”
    Allen held her tenderly. “I know I shouldn’t tell you this because I don’t intend to pursue anything serious between us. But I’ve been in love with you since the day George Vanderbilt threw the big party at Biltmore and you and I spent most of the day together. And in a different sense, your employees love you. You’re loved more than you know.”
    Sniffing, she picked up on the words he hadn’t intended to say. “Why can’t there be anything between us? If Father carries out his threat to disinherit me and if I’m a failure at operating the textile mill, in a few years you’ll probably have more money than I do.”
    He shook his head. “In the first place, I don’t think your father is going to disinherit you. He’s just trying to force your hand. He reminds me of a ten-year-old kid who throws a tantrum when he can’t have his way. If you just ignore him and don’t give in to his bullying, he’ll eventually simmer down and act like a mature human being should. In addition to that, I’m going to see to it that you’re successful as the only woman I know who owns and operates a textile mill. That is, if that’s what you want to do.”
    “Let me think about it overnight. My mind is too muddled now to make any serious decisions.”
    He kissed her lightly on the lips before he released her. “I’m going out to the farm now to see that all is well with Timothy, then I’m returning to spend the night here in the office. Try to get a good night’s sleep, and we’ll deal with the future tomorrow.”
    He kissed her forehead, walked with her to the door, and locked it behind them.
    The next day he went home as soon it was daylight, helped Timothy with the chores, and prepared for church. When he walked into the sanctuary, he was amazed to see Dora and Maude seated with Aunt Sallie, the owner of the boardinghouse.
    When Dora scooted over in the seat, he took that as an invitation to sit beside her, and with pleasure he joined her. Although Dora had indicated that she’d never attended church, she must have been able to read music because as they shared the same hymnbook, he noticed that she followed the notes easily. During the pastor’s prayer prior to the sermon, Allen prayed without ceasing that God would send enlightenment in this morning’s service to Dora so that she might be convicted of her need to be a follower of the Lord. He could hear Maude quietly praying, and although her words were muted, he was convinced that she was also concerned about Dora’s lack of faith.
    It seemed to Allen that the invitation hymn was meant completely for Dora. She started to sing, but when they reached the chorus, she closed her hymnal and bowed her head.
    He prayed that the words of the chorus spoke to her heart.
    “Speak Thou in softest whispers, whispers of love to me;
    Thou shalt be always conqu’ror, Thou shalt be always free.
    Speak Thou to me each day, Lord, always in tend’rest tone,
    Let me now hear Thy whisper, ‘Thou art not left alone.’ ”
    At the conclusion of the service as the worshippers greeted each

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