A Life Worth Living

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Authors: Irene Brand
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about what she’d done, Dora actually feared for his life. His face was red, his eyes piercing, and he was shaking as though he had the ague.
    “What have you done! What have you done! To think that a daughter of mine would spend a fortune on a run-down textile mill. If you’d invested in some of the ventures I suggested to you, you’d have made a lot more money.”
    His words annoyed Dora so much that she clutched a bolt of cotton cloth in her hand, using all of her will-power not to throw it at her father. Drawing a deep breath, she tried to speak calmly. “It was you who bought this ‘run-down textile mill’ and foisted it on me. If you remember, I didn’t want the mill in the first place.”
    “You shouldn’t have made all the improvements you did. You could have made just as much money by keeping the old equipment. I can’t believe that a child of mine would waste her inheritance in such a manner!”
    Dora grew tired of his recriminations. “Grandmamma willed all of her money to me, so I could use it for what I wanted. She didn’t want me to be completely dependent on you, and she knew very well that if you got your hands on that money, I wouldn’t have a dime to call my own.”
    “You’ve wasted the money.”
    “That’s a matter of opinion. We disagree on that just as we do everything else. I used the money to improve conditions at the mill. It’s recognized now as one of the best-managed mills in the South.”
    He snorted angrily. Dora looked helplessly at Allen, and he said, “Mr. Porter, why don’t you take a look at the mill as it is now before you pass judgment on what has been wasted?”
    “You keep out of this, Bolden. I have a feeling that you’ve been instrumental in her decisions.”
    “Think what you will, but that isn’t true,” Allen said calmly. “I’ve only made suggestions when Dora asked for them. Actually, I’d be happy to take credit for the improvements she’s made. There’s no other textile mill like it in the country. The workers are happy, and contented employees produce more revenue than disgruntled ones. The mill’s output has increased steadily over the past few months. We have people all over the Carolinas applying for jobs here. Experienced businessmen congratulate Dora on the quality of the textiles.”
    Laughing, Oliver ignored the plus results and replied, “Why wouldn’t the workers be happy? They’re treated like kings. I couldn’t believe that you’d actually renovated every dwelling, giving this town the reputation of being the ‘gem of company houses.’ What are you going to do when you need more repairs? What if you have to replace equipment when your money is all gone?”
    “I carry insurance on the workers and buildings in such event. Besides, satisfied workers are careful workers, and now that they have reliable looms to work with, we seldom have any breakdowns.”
    Paying no attention to what Allen said, her father continued his tirade until Allen couldn’t stand it any longer. He prayed silently, asking God to control his temper. Standing, he walked to the door.
    “Mr. Bolden, I won’t stand aside and listen to you shout at Dora. This is not your property, so either control your temper or get out. If you don’t go willingly, I’ll put you out.”
    “It’s not your property either. What right do you have to tell me how to deal with my daughter? I suppose you intend to gain control of the mill by forcing your attentions on her. I’ve heard that you came to New York to see her.” Smirking at Dora, he said, “You didn’t think I’d find that out, did you?”
    “I should have known you’d have spies watching me, but I didn’t make any secret that Allen was visiting me. What’s happened that you’ve turned into such a bitter man? Have you ever considered how Mother would feel if she knew the way you are today? Please go back to New York, and stop meddling in my business.”Allen walked to the door and motioned for the man to

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