A Life Unplanned

A Life Unplanned by Rose Von Barnsley

Book: A Life Unplanned by Rose Von Barnsley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rose Von Barnsley
back against the headboard again and patted the same spot as before next to him. This time, I didn't hesitate to scoot next to him. When he wrapped his arms around me, I knew I'd made the right choice.

Chapter 11- On Reactions, Good and Bad
    Even with explanations, I was still wary of Trent. His interest in me didn't make sense. I was a conniving woman who had stolen his sperm for her own purpose. I was no better than the girls who had done him wrong before. I had used him, and he didn't deserve that. It was difficult for me to believe he could look past that.
    I had told him the truth the first chance I had. I wasn't going to hide it from him. If he was going to give me crap, then he had to know where I was coming from. I thought for sure it would turn him off from me, and he'd not want to be involved with me and possibly Tyler. I honestly wasn't sure how he'd react, when I'd told him at The Burger Joint that day. I guessed I was hoping he'd storm out angry and never come back. Somehow, it'd had the opposite effect on him. And now, after hearing his history with women, I honestly didn't know why he was still talking to me, let alone cuddling with me. He had to be nuts or have an ulterior motive.
    Needless to say, I had to stay on guard and try and keep my loneliness at bay. He was a very,  very  attractive man, and his supposed interest in me was tempting. I wouldn't lie…I was horny, and I had a feeling he'd be good for another round. I just wasn't sure it was a good idea to get involved with him like that.
    Kissing him, though…I needed to stop that. For some reason, when I was in his arms, and his lips were on mine, I didn't want it to stop. All reason went out the window, and my body shouted, "Consequences be damned, just do it!" and I wanted to.
    We cuddled on the bed a little more, talking about things he'd like to do with Tyler. He was hoping to go to the zoo and maybe take me with him. "We can wait until you're on leave, and I'm in Waco. Then we can walk around the zoo. It'll help your body get ready for labor." His hand ran down my belly, and little Katie shifted under it.
    "Are you having a good time?" he asked nervously, and I shrugged. "Do you feel comfortable here…welcome?" he asked.
    "Yeah, your mom is nice. The room is lovely. I just…"  think she went overboard.
    "I think the baby shower is probably going to be here. So at least you'll get to use the room twice," he said with a grimace.
    I shifted and tried to push the baby down out of my lungs.
    "Clara, would you be open to maybe…visiting more? At least until my transfer comes through? I know it's a lot to ask and so much easier for me to come see you, but you'll be on leave and…and…I'll have to…I'd just really like to see…spend time with…could you please just think about it, maybe coming down again after the baby's born?" he fumbled, and I nodded to appease him.
    "I need to use the bathroom," I said, scooting off the side of the bed. I needed to put some space between us. I was feeling way too agreeable. I headed for the door, so I could use the bathroom and be further away from Trent and the bed.
    "Why don't you use yours?" he asked confused.
    "My what?"
    "Your bathroom." He pointed to what I had thought was the closet door. I waddled in the direction of it, curious. When I opened it, I was blown away. I should have known Maylene would have put me in a fancy master-like suite.
    "It has a nice deep soaking tub. Babies float. You should try it out before you leave, give your hips and back a break," he said, running his hand down my back and cupping my hip. I wanted him to pull me closer to him, and I knew I needed to step away from him. I took a deep breath and nodded.
    "That sounds nice. I'll have to give it a try."
    He kissed the top of my head and paused at the door before he stepped out. "If you need help to get out of the tub, you can call me." He waved his cell phone at me and walked out. I didn't think I'd call him, but having

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