A Life Restored

A Life Restored by Karen Baney Page A

Book: A Life Restored by Karen Baney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Baney
Tags: Religious Fiction
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  “Please have a look and see if you might be able to use them.”
    “Oh, I couldn’t.”
    Thomas shifted uncomfortably.   “Perry, that’s a very gracious offer.   I’m sure Caroline appreciates it, especially since most of her things were lost in the robbery.”
    Perry’s eyebrows shot up, hiding under the shadow of his hat.   He recovered from his surprise quickly and turned to her.   “Well, in that case, I’d be very honored if you helped yourself to everything in the trunk.   I’m sure a fresh change of clothes would be welcomed.”
    “Are you certain?”   Caroline hesitated, feeling rather uncomfortable taking his wife’s things.
    “No sense in them just sitting here when you could use ‘em.”
    “Thank you.”
    A curt nod answered.   “I’ll fetch you some water to freshen up.”
    In a minute, he was back with a pail of water.   He showed her where he kept some soap.   Then he escorted Thomas from the cabin.
    “Tell me exactly what happened with that stage.”   Caroline heard Perry’s muffled voice as the door latched shut.   She couldn’t hear Thomas’s response.
    Carefully, she pulled each of the dresses and undergarments from the trunk at her feet, still feeling rather awkward about taking these things.   She held the first dress up to her body, holding the edges by her side.   Mrs. Quinn’s waist and bust must have been a bit fuller than hers.   With a makeshift belt the dress should suffice until she found time to take it in later.
    The next items were a few undergarments.   Clearly not the number she was used to wearing.   Perhaps she would feel less warm on the ride to Prescott with fewer layers.
    She picked up an apron and almost tossed it aside.   Looking at the long ties, she decided she could cut them from the apron to use as a cinch around her waist.   Digging around in the trunk she found a pair of scissors and set about the task.
    Once she had the clothing laid out, she checked the latch on the door.   For her own peace of mind, she slid a chair in front of the door.   At least that way if anyone attempted to enter, she would have some warning.   Then she stripped down.
    Caroline would have preferred a nice long bath with hot water rather than the quick scrub from a pail.   This was better than nothing.
    As soon as she finished washing up, she donned one of Mrs. Quinn’s undergarments.   Thankfully it had long ties and she was able to tighten it enough so it would stay in place.   Then she donned the simple gray calico dress.   As she suspected, the bust and waist were somewhat roomier than what she needed.   She took the old apron tie and knotted it around her waist.   That took care of the waist.   The bust still felt too loose.
    Going back to the trunk, she discovered a broach.   She gathered some of the excess fabric at the neckline and folded it over.   Then she secured it into place with the broach.   Pleased with the final results, she picked up her yellow-now-dirt-brown dress and petticoats.   She cut off a few strips the petticoats for bandages.   Turning the dress over in her hands, she didn’t think it was salvageable.   But she would try once she got to Prescott.
    Picking up one other dress from Mrs. Quinn’s things, she stuffed it in a sack with her ruined yellow dress.   She put the remaining items back in the trunk and closed the lid.   She would tie the sack to the back of her horse tomorrow for it now contained all the clothing she owned.
    Glancing around the room, she tidied the place before removing the chair from in front of the door.   She lifted the bucket of filthy water and carried it outside, dumping it on what appeared to be a garden.   Then she set the bucket back inside the door.
    She took the brush she found in the trunk and began the long process of trying to brush out the tangles from her hair.   She wished she could have washed the dust and grime from it.   At least the brush helped smooth it out enough

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