A Life of Joy

A Life of Joy by Amy Clipston

Book: A Life of Joy by Amy Clipston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Clipston
Tags: Fiction, General, Christian
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Was iss letz? Becky?” His eyes mirrored Lindsay’s concern.
    “I’m okay,” Rebecca told him. “I’m fine. I was just telling Lindsay that I didn’t sleep last night. I couldn’t get comfortable.”
    He frowned. “I’m going to call the doctor. This exhaustion has gone on too long. It’s time to find out what’s wrong.” He turned to Lindsay. “Would you stay here with the kinner while I take Rebecca to the doctor?”
    “Ya.” Lindsay gave a quick nod. “Of course.”
    “Our ride for work should be here soon, and I’ll have him take us right way.” He headed for the back door. “I’ll go call the doctor and then let mei mamm know that Lindsay won’t be at the bakery today.”
    “Daniel,” Rebecca called after him. “It’s not necessary.”
    The slam of the back door told Rebecca that there would be no further discussion. She turned toward Lindsay’s worried expression. “I’m fine,” she said. “There’s no need to get upset.”
    Lindsay turned back to Junior. Speaking softly in Pennsylvania Dutch, she discussed his breakfast with him.
    Rebecca sent up a silent prayer that she was okay and that God would comfort her family while she and Daniel were at the doctor’s office.

    Rebecca smoothed her hands over her dark purple dress while she sat on the examination table.
    Across the small room, Daniel sat, turning his straw hat over and over again in his hands. It was a stance she’d seen many times during their marriage. Whenever Daniel was consumed by worry,he’d shut down, absently twiddling his hat and not answering Rebecca when she tried to speak to him. She learned soon after they were married to let him handle his worries his own way, even though it made her crazy when he didn’t talk to her.
    The door opened with a whoosh, and Dr. Moore stepped in, a clipboard in his hand and a pleasant expression on his face.
    The doctor smiled, and instant relief flooded Rebecca. She released the breath she’d been holding for what felt like a long time.
    “Mr. and Mrs. Kauffman,” Dr. Moore began, “I have good news.”
    “I’m not sick?” Rebecca asked, clasping her hands together.
    “No, ma’am. You’re not.” Dr. Moore took off his glasses and looked between them. “You are, however, expecting.”
    Rebecca gasped, cupping her hands to her mouth. “We’re expecting?”
    Daniel popped up from the chair and rushed over to her. “Another baby?” He gave a loud bark of laughter. “A third? God is so good!”
    Tears filled Rebecca’s eyes. “It’s a miracle,” she whispered. “Truly a miracle.”
    “When is she due?” Daniel asked.
    The doctor looked down at the chart. “From my calculations, I would say early January — approximately January 11.”
    Rebecca smiled. “I can’t believe it.”
    “I’m going to refer you to a specialist, since you’re forty and considered a high risk,” the doctor said. “The pain you experienced the other night is caused by your uterus expanding. You should take any pain like that as a warning sign that you need to take it easy.”
    Daniel stood beside her and rubbed her back while the doctor continued to talk.
    Rebecca watched Dr. Moore’s lips move, but his words were only background noise to her raging thoughts.
    Another baby .
    Three children .
    Yes, God is good!
    Maybe Rebecca and Daniel would finally have the large family they’d always dreamt of. However, the doctor said that this would be a high-risk pregnancy. She would have to pray often for the baby’s health.
    “Do you have any questions?” Dr. Moore asked, bringing Rebecca back to the present.
    “No,” she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.
    “All right then.” Dr. Moore moved toward the door. “I’ll have Libby make an appointment for you with a specialist. Congratulations.”
    Once the doctor disappeared through the door, Daniel pulled Rebecca to him, holding her tight. “Becky, can you believe it? Another baby? And we thought we’d never have one.

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