A Late Summer Bloom

A Late Summer Bloom by Cherrie Mack

Book: A Late Summer Bloom by Cherrie Mack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherrie Mack
thought the feeling was mutual.”
    He pulled his hand away, the absence of his touch making her want to
cry. “I want you to have what you’re looking for. Being with the queen would be
my greatest honor, but it doesn’t change the facts. You deserve love.”
    Giselle looked at him, offering only a tight smile. Although she didn’t
know how, she managed to gather enough strength to end the conversation. “Thank
you for telling me.”
    He narrowed his eyes and gave her a regretful smile.
    The rest of dinner was strained. Giselle carried the heaviness of
disappointment in her heart. With her dream of a romantic and loving interlude
crushed, she pushed through dinner. After agreeing to be friends, she talked
about the beauty of Beaumont Plantation. It seemed to be the only thing keeping
her mind off of his rejection. “So, your sister Chantilly enchanted the gardens
after her lover was murdered?”
    “Yes, my sister, like most witches, has an affinity for nature.”
    “If you don’t mind my asking, what happened?”
    Julien looked off, grappling with his answer. A few seconds later, he
took a deep breath, and explained. “It happened six years ago, during the
summer solstice. Every year my family gathered at Beaumont Plantation for the
festivities. It was the final night of celebration. My sister’s long-time love,
Thomas Montclair, announced he would marry another.”
    “Just like that?”
    “Just like that. The problem was, the witch he was to marry, wanted to
marry me.”
    She tilted her head. “Uh huh. Go on.”
    “It was my fault. I brought Selena Lovell into our coven knowing she
had an evil streak. I was young, foolish, and I played with fire. She couldn’t
have me, so she hurt me by snatching my sister’s man. It had to be a spell, but
I couldn’t prove it.”
    “Did you call a council?”
    “I was afraid.”
    “Thomas Montclair was murdered on the grounds of Beaumont Plantation.
It wasn’t a warlock who killed him, it was a witch.”
    Giselle’s mouth dropped open. “You must have some idea as to who could
have done such a thing.”
    Julien cast his eyes away. “All I know is, that night, my sister
Chantilly vowed to never love again. She denounced her origins, her gifts, and
the coven, leaving Beaumont Plantation. I haven’t seen or heard from her in six
    “So—you never called a council because you think the murderer is
    He pursed his lips. “I knew if I called the council, they would think
that. I just couldn’t take that chance. And with Chantilly gone, I guess I’ll
never know.”
    The night air was cold. Julien slipped his leather jacket over
Giselle’s shoulders as they headed toward the truck.
    “Thanks for not using magic tonight,” Giselle said.
    “You’re welcome, Little Witch.”
    Helping her inside, he smiled. “So? How would you rate our date?”
    “Good.” He closed the door and walked around to the other side. Climbing
into the driver’s side, he laughed. “Good? I must be slacking.”
    “Well, it wasn’t everything I’d hoped for, but for my first date, it
was really nice. Thanks.”
    “Boy, you’ve really been sheltered, haven’t you? I didn’t realize this
was a first date.”
    “I haven’t had a whole lot of experiences.”
    “And kissing? You haven’t had your first real kiss yet, either?”
    “I’m embarrassed to say no. But I can still dream, can’t I?” She let
out a nervous giggle.
    He pulled away from the curb, and glanced at her. “Yes. And don’t ever
    The only noise came from the radio on their way back. Giselle smiled a phony
smile, while slowly dying inside. Love or
no love, I still want you.
    They arrived at Beaumont Plantation a little after ten. Although she
tried hard, sadness overwhelmed her. Julien escorted her to the door of the
cottage. Their date was over and it certainly didn’t turn out the way she’d
hoped. She turned to face him. “Thanks. I had a really great

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