A Kind of Magic
kept her voice low.
    “But this is business-related. That gives you an excuse to talk to him. Be friends now, and when he’s ready—”
    “If he’s ever ready.”
    “ When he’s ready, you’ll be there.” As much as Emily was enjoying this, she had to admit that it was also a little unsettling to see Sophie so discomfited. Sophie was supposed to be totally in control of every situation. That was how the universe worked. Sophie being awkward, shy, and blushing like a schoolgirl meant something was seriously wrong. Or maybe it just meant that she was human and Emily didn’t know her as well as she thought. “Anyway, I think he’d want to be involved because this is affecting him,” she added. “He’s having to deal with some weird stuff at work.”
    “True,” Sophie said with a nod so serious that it was almost comical.
    “And maybe you could talk about it over dinner,” Emily couldn’t resist adding.
    “ Emily! And to think, I brought you breakfast.”
    “You came into my apartment while I was sleeping.”
    “With bacon.”
    “True, true. And coffee. But come on, I didn’t get to tease you back in the day because there was nothing to tease you about. You’ve got to let me enjoy being the bratty little sister.”
    “Just try to show a little discretion, please.”

    The Upper West Side
    6:00 p.m.
    Although she’d chided her sister for teasing her, Sophie had been as nervous as any teenager calling her crush on the flimsy excuse of needing to talk about homework when she called Michael. Much to her surprise—though she wasn’t sure why she was so surprised—he hadn’t acted like he found anything at all odd about her call and had suggested they hit the park together that evening, when they were sure to run into either Mrs. Smith or some representative of the fae who could pass on a message.
    Hoping her sister was out and not watching through the window, she took a long, deep breath to steady herself and pushed the intercom button for Michael’s apartment. True, she could easily let herself in, but she was trying to look normal, and she didn’t want to freak him out.
    He answered a moment later. “Hi, it’s me, I’m downstairs,” she blurted, hoping the intercom distorted sound enough to hide the fact that her voice was shaking. This is not a date, she reminded herself. It was purely business, and they’d done things like this before.
    “I’ll be down in a second,” he replied.
    She was absolutely furious with herself for the way her heart rate immediately increased. She was a grown woman—a queen—for heaven’s sake. She and Michael had been through a lot together. She’d seen him just yesterday. They’d chatted while he played the piano.
    Oops, it was a mistake to think about that. It made her want to swoon ever so slightly. Get a grip! she warned herself, just as he appeared behind the glass front door. He was dressed for the cold weather in a dark wool coat and one of those newsboy caps that made him look utterly adorable. Fortunately, he had Beau with him, so she could bend to pet the dog until she had herself under control before she had to face him directly. “How are you, boy?” she crooned, then she looked up at Michael. “Is Emily still sticking you with dogsitting duty?”
    “Mostly just on days when she has two shows and doesn’t make it home in between. But I don’t mind. I enjoy the company, and it forces me to get out every so often.”
    She straightened and forced herself to look him in the eye. “I really appreciate you doing this.”
    “I’d have been out walking Beau anyway. And as I said, I enjoy the company. So, the park? Any particular spot?”
    “Where have you been most likely to see things or run into your friend?”
    “All over. I think it’s more a case of them finding me.”
    “Then let’s hope I don’t scare them away.”
    They headed down the sidewalk toward the park. She found that she didn’t have to adjust her usual

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