A Killer in Kailash: Adventures of Feluda

A Killer in Kailash: Adventures of Feluda by Satyajit Ray

Book: A Killer in Kailash: Adventures of Feluda by Satyajit Ray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Satyajit Ray
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with the goatee!’ Lalmohan Babu and I cried together, ‘Was that you?’
    ‘Yes,’ Feluda laughed. ‘That was my disguise number two. I felt I had to stay close to you, since we were dealing with a dangerous man. Anyway, he swallowed my bait at once. He thought a few sharp words from him would really make Lalmohan Babu return the head to him, and he could get away with it once again. Well, we all know what happened next.
    ‘There is only one thing left for me to say: Mr Mallik and his agency will get full credit for their share in catching this gang. And I shall pray for a promotion for Mr Ghote. I must also thank Mr Kulkarni for the important role he played, but if a medal for courage and bravery could be given to anyone, it should go jointly to Tapeshranjan Mitter and Lalmohan Ganguli.’
    ‘Hear, hear!’ said Mr Mallik, and the others clapped enthusiastically.
    When the applause died down, Lalmohan Babu turned to Feluda and said a little hesitantly, ‘Does that mean … this time my weapon didn't come into any use at all?’
    Feluda looked perfectly amazed. ‘Not come into use? What are you talking about? Where do you think all that smoke came from? It was no ordinary bomb, sir. Do you know what it was? A 356 megaton special military smoke bomb!’

Read the other Adventures of Feluda in Puffin
    The Emperor’s Ring
    Trouble in Gangtok
    The Golden Fortress
    The Incident on the Kalka Mail
    The Royal Bengal Mystery
    The Mystery of the Elephant God
    The Bandits of Bombay
    The House of Death
    The Curse of the Goddess
    Trouble in the Graveyard
    The Criminals of Kathmandu

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    First published in Puffin by Penguin Books India 2003
    Copyright © The Estate of Satyajit Ray 2003
    This translation copyright © Penguin Books India 2003
    ISBN: 978-01-4333-566-5
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    This digital edition published in 2011.
    e-ISBN: 978-81-8475-213-7
    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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