A Is for Abstinence

A Is for Abstinence by Kelly Oram

Book: A Is for Abstinence by Kelly Oram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Oram
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sight of this office brought me a sense of pride. Val had done this. This whole organization was her creation. Was there anything she couldn’t do? (Besides it , of course.)
    “Welcome to F is for Families. May I help you?”
    The woman behind the reception desk stood up to greet me. She was somewhere in her mid-fifties, had a long brown braid that reached all the way to her butt, and wore a rainbow tie-dyed sundress that screamed hippy activist. I was so out of my element here.
    “Hi. I’m looking for Valerie Jensen. Is she here?”
    Hippy Lady smiled at me. “Of course. She’s with a client at the moment. Have a seat. I’m sure she’ll be out of her meeting soon. I’m Rain. If you need anything, just let me know.”
    “Will do. Thank you, ma’am.”
    I took a seat in the hard plastic chair and reached for a magazine. Women’s Health, Parenting, and Reader’s Digest. Ugh. I decided against the stellar reading material and pulled up a game on my phone.
    “Did you have an appointment, Mr.…?”
    Rain was eyeing me with the hungry gaze of an expert busybody. She hadn’t recognized me, but she was obviously very curious who the strange young man visiting her boss was.
    Far be it from me to withhold juicy gossip. I flashed her my best smile. “I’m Kyle. I don’t have an appointment. I’m just here to take her to lunch.”
    Rain’s eyes sparked with excitement. “ Valerie has a lunch date?”
    Wow. Robin hadn’t been kidding when she said Val didn’t go out much. The astonishment in this woman’s voice suggested the concept was impossible.
    I felt bad enough for the lady that I threw her a bone. “Actually, she doesn’t know she has a lunch date yet. I’m an old friend. I just happened to be in town and I thought I’d surprise her.”
    Rain’s smile fell a little in disappointment. “From out of town?”
    “Los Angeles.”
    “Could be worse,” she decided, narrowing her eyes at me. “Are you single?”
    I laughed. She was all right. “Very single, and very interested.”
    “Well, now that’s more like it!”
    Rain pulled a chair from a neighboring desk and patted the seat. “You just come on over here, Kyle, and tell me all about yourself. Can I get you a cup of coffee?”
    She was already on her feet, heading for the coffee pot, so I said “Thank you” and came to sit in the chair next to hers.
    “Cream and sugar?” she called out.
    “Coffee is coffee. I’ll accept it in any form.”
    Rain grinned as she handed me a cup and sat down. She took a moment to look me over before shaking her head, as if to clear it. “Well, you are just a downright handsome young man, aren’t you? What brings you to town? I hope you’re here for the whole weekend. Valerie needs to be taken out on a proper date. She’s such a catch, that one, but she won’t step away from work long enough to let the men know it.”
    “Well, I know it.”
    “You do?” Rain bit her lip in an attempt to contain her excitement.
    I leaned toward her and whispered, “Can I let you in on a little secret?” Rain hunched forward, her eyes glittering with anticipation. “I didn’t ‘just happen’ to be in town. I came here specifically to see Val. I have no plans other than to woo her, and I’ll stay for as long as it takes.”
    Rain was too overwhelmed to speak. She clutched at her chest, as if trying to make sure her heart didn’t burst from it. Before the moment could get awkward, a door opened and Val stepped out into the main office with a teary-eyed couple and a pregnant girl that couldn’t have been more than fifteen or sixteen.
    Val shook the man’s extended hand as the woman dabbed at her eyes with Kleenex. “We can’t say ‘thank you’ enough.”
    “There’s no need to thank me. That’s what this program is for. Don’t forget to schedule your next appointment with Rain before you go.”
    The teen suddenly threw herself at Val, enveloping her in a tight hug. “Thank you so much, Miss Jensen!” she

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