A Hunt Among Vampires (The Angel Series)

A Hunt Among Vampires (The Angel Series) by M. Cheykota

Book: A Hunt Among Vampires (The Angel Series) by M. Cheykota Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. Cheykota
like a teenager with her first crush, I allow him to sweep me outside and into a waiting Lincoln.
    “You didn’t answer my question.” I pull away from his embrace, but not far enough that he can’t keep his arm around me.
    “I was hoping to find you. I know I promised to give you time and space, but I missed you. I thought you might miss me too. There are things we need to discuss, but I will admit my selfish desires came first. How have you been? Has anything happened with you?”
    “No. What have you heard?” I ask suspiciously.
    “Nothing, ma chatte sauvage , I was only curious about what you have been up to.”
    I relax a little. Maybe I am being a little hard on him. I do miss him. “I haven’t done much of anything lately. I’ve done a little shopping and cleaning. I spent some time working out. It’s been a quiet and relaxing few days.”
    “I am glad you have had fun.” An emotion crosses Christien’s face. Before I can study it, the emotion is gone.
    “What’s wrong?” I ask, trying for the direct approach.
    “It is nothing chatte . I do not want to waste a moment of time with you arguing.” He quickly changes the subject. “Have you spoken to Roman?”
    “Yes.” I smile fondly thinking of my best friend, causing Christien to frown. “I spoke to him yesterday. He hasn’t found much yet in regards to Hassan, but he hopes to have a few leads soon. Has Kayle come up with anything?”
    “Not yet. Getting vampires to talk about Hassan has always been a difficult feat. Kayle has ways to be very persuasive though. He has my utmost confidence.”
    It is my turn to frown. The green-eyed monster rests it’s head on my shoulder and I push away from Christien more forcefully than necessary. I do my best to control my jealousy, but it is pointless to try to hide it.
    “ Ma chatte ,” He whispers close to my ear. “You have no reason to be jealous of Kayle. He does not hold my heart the way you do.”
    I snort in disbelief. “You’re right. I don’t need to be jealous of Kayle because I have Roman.” I snap back.
    The power level in the car skyrockets as Christien loses his temper. “No! You are mine!” He blurts out in a panic as he pulls me into his arms. His face burrows into my hair. “He cannot have you. You are my mate. I will not share with him.”
    “Like I have to share with Kayle?” I slide my backside between his legs.
    Our bodies mold together as the car stops in front of Christien’s house.
    “You do not have to share me with Kayle. Is that what you think? I told you that we are friends, close like brothers. We do not have that type of relationship.”
    I look into his eyes filled with desperation and panic. “Roman and I are friends. We are also close like family. Why do you think he will take me away?”
    He gets his power back under control and releases the panic inside of him. “If there is one who could, it would be him, would it not?”
    “Maybe, but he wouldn’t do that. He cares about me and I care about him. We don’t feel that way towards each other. Kayle, on the other hand, may not feel the same way about sharing you with me.”
    “I am certain that Kayle will treat you with respect. You have earned that from him. Now that we understand where we stand, in regards to our friends, we need to work on where we stand with each other.” The car door opens and Christien helps me out. He is guiding me towards the bedroom when I sidestep him and make my way towards the living room. The room is empty but I can hear quiet chatter from nearby rooms.
    “I thought we could use a little more privacy.” Christien pouts while watching me take a seat on the couch.
    “I think if we are sitting vertical in a room without a bed, we could get more accomplished.” I smile mischievously.
    He grins and sits across from me on the opposite couch. “Where shall we begin?”
    “Before I make any decisions on what to do about us, I would like to ask you some questions.”

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